Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries A Group Program: Therapist Guide by Paul Kennedy

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Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries A Group Program: Therapist Guide by Paul Kennedy

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About Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries A Group Program: Therapist Guide by Paul Kennedy

Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries A Group Program: Therapist Guide by Paul Kennedy:  For individuals who have suffered a spinal cord injury, it is a struggle to know how to assess and cope with such a life-changing event. The coping strategies that a person employs can have an enormous impact on their mental well-being and long-term health. Approach-focused coping, in which the individual accepts and seeks to understand their condition, results in a sense of mastery, self-efficacy, and post-traumatic growth. Conversely, avoidance-focused coping can lead to anxiety, depression, self-neglect, and substance abuse problems. Approximately 50% will meet the diagnostic criteria for depression at 6 months post-injury. Research shows that those with depression will have a poorer outcome and shorter lifespan.
Coping effectiveness training (CET) aims to improve skills for assessing stress, teaching a range of coping skills that can be used to tackle stress and provide an opportunity for interaction with others who have similar experiences of spinal cord injury. CET includes the identification of effective and ineffective responses to stress, especially those that are particularly unhelpful, such as disengagement, general avoidance, long-term denial, and the expression of extreme emotion. By encouraging individuals to think critically about their behavior in response to stressors, CET helps people avoid unproductive ways of coping.

Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries A Group Program: Therapist Guide by Paul Kennedy

Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries A Group Program: Therapist Guide by Paul Kennedy

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