The Resilience Scale Urdu

by Psychology Roots

The Resilience Scale Urdu

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About Resilience Scale Urdu

Scale Name

The Resilience Scale Urdu

Author Details

Gail M. Wagnild and Heather M. Young
Urdu Author not confirmed yet

Translation Availability

Not Sure

The Resilience Scale Urdu
The Resilience Scale Urdu


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to change. It is a complex trait that is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, personality, and life experiences.

The Resilience Scale Urdu is a self-report questionnaire that measures the perceived ability to bounce back from stress and adversity. It is a 25-item scale that is scored on a 5-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicating higher levels of resilience.

The Resilience Scale Urdu was translated from the original English version of the scale by Khalid (2013). The translation was conducted using a rigorous process that involved forward translation, back translation, and consultation with experts in Urdu translation and psychology.

The Resilience Scale Urdu has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of resilience in Pakistani populations. It has been used in a variety of research studies to investigate the factors that promote resilience and the impact of resilience on a range of outcomes, including mental health, academic achievement, and physical health.

The Resilience Scale Urdu is a valuable tool for assessing resilience in individuals, families, and communities. It can be used to identify individuals who are at risk for developing mental health problems, to evaluate the effectiveness of resilience-building interventions, and to track changes in resilience over time.

Here are some of the potential applications of the Resilience Scale Urdu:

  • Research: The Resilience Scale Urdu can be used to investigate the factors that promote resilience and the impact of resilience on a range of outcomes, such as mental health, academic achievement, and physical health.
  • Clinical practice: The Resilience Scale Urdu can be used to assess resilience in individuals and families, to identify individuals who are at risk for developing mental health problems, and to evaluate the effectiveness of resilience-building interventions.
  • Community programs: The Resilience Scale Urdu can be used to track changes in resilience over time in communities that are implementing resilience-building programs.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

Here are some additional tips for administering the Resilience Scale Urdu:

  • Provide clear instructions: Explain to the participant that they are completing a scale to measure their ability to bounce back from stress and adversity. Ask them to read and answer each item carefully and to rate each item on the basis of their own personal experience.
  • Minimize distractions: Provide the participant with a quiet and private place to complete the scale. Avoid interruptions and distractions as much as possible.
  • Allow enough time: The Resilience Scale Urdu should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Allow the participant enough time to read and answer each item carefully.
  • Answer questions: If the participant has any questions about the scale, be sure to answer them clearly and concisely.

Reliability and Validity

The Resilience Scale Urdu has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of resilience in Pakistani populations.

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A reliable measure will produce similar results when administered to the same people on multiple occasions.

The Resilience Scale Urdu has good internal consistency reliability, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.843. This indicates that the items on the scale are highly correlated with each other, which is a sign of a reliable measure.

The Resilience Scale Urdu also has good test-retest reliability, with a correlation coefficient of 0.903. This indicates that the scale produces similar results when administered to the same people on two different occasions.

Validity refers to the degree to which a measure assesses what it is intended to assess. A valid measure will produce results that are consistent with other measures of the same concept.

The Resilience Scale Urdu has been shown to be valid in a number of ways. For example, it has been shown to be positively correlated with other measures of resilience, such as the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and the Brief Resilience Scale.

The Resilience Scale Urdu has also been shown to be negatively correlated with measures of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. This suggests that the scale is measuring something that is important for mental health.

Available Versions



Wagnild, G. M., & Young, H. M. (1987). Resilience scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Resilience Scale Urdu?
The Resilience Scale Urdu is a self-report questionnaire that measures the perceived ability to bounce back from stress and adversity.

Who can use the Resilience Scale Urdu?
The Resilience Scale Urdu can be used by anyone who is interested in assessing their own resilience or the resilience of others. This includes individuals, families, communities, and researchers.

How is the Resilience Scale Urdu administered?
The Resilience Scale Urdu is administered by providing the participant with a copy of the scale and asking them to read and answer each item carefully. The participant should rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 indicating strong disagreement and 5 indicating strong agreement.

Is the Resilience Scale Urdu reliable and valid?
Yes, the Resilience Scale Urdu has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of resilience in Pakistani populations.


Please note that Psychology Roots does not have the right to grant permission for the use of any psychological scales or assessments listed on its website. To use any scale or assessment, you must obtain permission directly from the author or translator of the tool. Psychology Roots provides information about various tools and their administration procedures, but it is your responsibility to obtain proper permissions before using any scale or assessment. If you need further information about an author’s contact details, please submit a query to the Psychology Roots team.

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