The Coping Response Inventory Urdu

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The Coping Response Inventory Urdu

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About Coping Response Inventory Urdu

Scale Name

The Coping Response Inventory Urdu

Author Details

RH Moos
Mahmood and Sheraz

Translation Availability

Not Sure

The Coping Response Inventory
The Coping Response Inventory


The Coping Response Inventory Urdu (CRI-U) is a self-report measure of coping strategies used to manage stressful or problematic situations. It is a translation of the original CRI, which was developed by Moos. The CRI-U was translated and adapted for use with Urdu-speaking populations by Mahmood and Sheraz.

The CRI-U consists of 60 items, each of which describes a specific coping strategy. Participants are asked to rate how often they used each coping strategy in the past month on a 4-point Likert scale (from 0 = “I usually don’t do this” to 3 = “I usually do this a lot”). The CRI-U yields scores for eight coping subscales:

  • Problem-focused coping: Coping strategies that involve taking direct action to address the source of the stressor.
  • Emotion-focused coping: Coping strategies that involve managing the emotional distress associated with the stressor.
  • Seeking social support: Coping strategies that involve seeking help and support from others.
  • Positive reappraisal: Coping strategies that involve reframing the stressor in a more positive light.
  • Acceptance: Coping strategies that involve accepting the stressor as unchangeable.
  • Behavioral disengagement: Coping strategies that involve withdrawing from or avoiding the stressor.
  • Self-distraction: Coping strategies that involve engaging in activities to distract oneself from the stressor.
  • Mental disengagement: Coping strategies that involve suppressing or denying thoughts and feelings about the stressor.

The CRI-U has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of coping strategies in Urdu-speaking adults. It has been used in a variety of research studies to investigate the relationship between coping and mental and physical health outcomes. The CRI-U can also be used in clinical settings to help clinicians assess their clients’ coping skills and develop treatment plans.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

To administer the Coping Response Inventory Urdu (CRI-U), you will need the following materials:

  • A copy of the CRI-U for each participant
  • A pen or pencil for each participant


  • Explain to the participant that the CRI-U is a questionnaire that assesses how people cope with stress.
  • Ask the participant to read the instructions on the CRI-U carefully.
  • Instruct the participant to read each item on the CRI-U and circle the number that best describes how often they used that coping strategy in the past month.
  • Allow the participant sufficient time to complete the CRI-U.
  • Once the participant has completed the CRI-U, collect the questionnaires.

Reliability and Validity

The coefficient alpha values of the instrument for the eight scales ranged from .67 for logical analysis, .74 for positive reappraisal, .61 for seeking guidance and support, .68 for problem-solving, .72 for cognitive avoidance, .64 for acceptance, and resignation, .62 for emotional discharge. The eight indices are moderately inter-correlated (r =.29 for men & r =.25 for women) (Moos, 1993). It is a self-report in which recognizes behavioral & cognitive replies that the person uses to manage stressful or problematic conditions.

In the current study Urdu version of the coping response inventory translated by Mahmood & Sheraz (2012) used to measure the coping response. The coefficient alpha value of the instrument was (r = .51) significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Respondents were asked to use 4-point severity/frequency scales to give rate the degree to which they have experience.

Available Versions



Moos, R. H. (1997). Coping Responses Inventory: A measure of approach and avoidance coping skills.

Mahmood, K. B., & Sheraz, K. (2012). A comparative study of coping styles among the parents of mentally handicap children. Unpublished thesis of Bs (hons), department of applied psychology. Government college university, Faisalabad.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CRI-U?
The CRI-U is a self-report measure of coping strategies used to manage stressful or problematic situations.

What are the benefits of using the CRI-U?
The CRI-U can help individuals identify their preferred coping strategies and to develop a repertoire of coping skills that they can use to manage stress effectively. It can also be used in research and clinical settings.

How is the CRI-U scored and interpreted?
The CRI-U is scored by summing the scores for the items in each subscale. The scores can be interpreted by comparing them to the mean scores for a normative sample or to the scores for different subscales to each other.

What are the reliability and validity of the CRI-U?
The CRI-U has good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.

Where can I find more information about the CRI-U?
You can find more information about the CRI-U in the paper by Mahmood and Sheraz (2012).


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