Index of Religiosity Urdu

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Index of Religiosity Urdu

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About Index of Religiosity Urdu

Scale Name

Index of Religiosity Urdu

Author Details

Shagufta Aziz and Ghazala Rehman

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Index of Religiosity Urdu
Index of Religiosity Urdu


The Index of Religiosity (IR) is a psychological test developed to measure the degree of religiosity of Muslim subjects. The concept of religiosity has been extensively studied in psychology, with various attempts to define and measure it. Religiosity is often conceptualized as a multidimensional construct, encompassing beliefs, practices, and experiences related to religion.

The Urdu version of the IR was developed by Shagufta Aziz and Ghazala Rehman at the National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. The IR was designed to assess religiosity among Muslim subjects in the context of Pakistani culture and society.

Index of Religiosity (IR) was administered to measure the degree of religiosity of the subjects. It was developed by Shagufta Aziz and Ghazala Rehman at the National Institute of Psychology, Quaid -i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. The Urdu version of IR consists of 27 questions. It provides a valid measure of religiosity of the Muslim subjects on three dimensions, i.e., religious faith, religious doctrine, and religious effect. The reported split-half reliability of the test is 0.80 and KR-20 is 0.83 (Aziz, S. & and Rehman, G. 1996).

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

Instructions: Provide the participant with the IRU questionnaire and a pencil or pen. Explain that the questionnaire is designed to measure their religiosity and that there are no right or wrong answers.

Item Administration: Ask the participant to read each item carefully and circle the number that best corresponds to their level of agreement with the statement. The response options range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

Scoring: Once the participant has completed the questionnaire, score each item by assigning it a value from 1 to 5. Sum the scores for all 27 items to obtain a total IRU score.

Reliability and Validity

The Index of Religiosity Urdu (IRU) has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of religiosity among Muslim subjects.

Internal consistency: The IRU has demonstrated good internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.83 (Aziz & Rehman, 1996). This indicates that the items on the IRU measure a common construct of religiosity.

Test-retest reliability: The IRU has also shown good test-retest reliability, with a correlation of 0.80 between scores obtained two weeks apart (Aziz & Rehman, 1996). This suggests that the IRU is a stable measure of religiosity.

Content validity: The IRU items are relevant to the construct of religiosity and cover a range of aspects of religious beliefs, practices, and experiences.

Construct validity: The IRU has shown good construct validity by correlating positively with other measures of religiosity, such as the Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) and the Intrinsic Religious Motivation Scale (IRMS) (Aziz & Rehman, 1996).

Criterion-related validity: The IRU has also shown good criterion-related validity by correlating with variables that are theoretically related to religiosity, such as religious participation, spiritual well-being, and coping mechanisms (Aziz & Rehman, 1996).

Available Versions



Aziz, S., & Rehman, G. (1996). Index of religiosity: The development of an indigenous measure. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology22(1-2), 79-85.

Index of religiosity: the development of an indigenous measure.
Azis S; Rehman G, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence,
Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Index of Religiosity Urdu (IRU)?
The IRU is a 27-item self-report questionnaire that assesses religiosity among Muslim subjects. It measures three dimensions of religiosity: religious faith, religious doctrine, and religious effect.

Who developed the IRU?
The IRU was developed by Shagufta Aziz and Ghazala Rehman at the National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

How is the IRU administered?
The IRU can be administered individually or in groups. It typically takes 15-20 minutes to complete.

Is the IRU a reliable and valid measure of religiosity?
Yes, the IRU has demonstrated good reliability and validity. It has good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.


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