Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu

by Psychology Roots

Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu

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About Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu

Scale Name

Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu (ڈاکٹرز کی کشمکش)

Author Details

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Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu
Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu


Conflict in the health arena is a growing concern and is well recognized for doctors in training. Its most extreme expression, workplace violence is on the increase. There is evidence that many conflicts remain unsatisfactorily resolved or unresolved, and result in ongoing issues for staff morale.

Doctors, despite their dedication to saving lives and alleviating suffering, are not immune to conflict. In fact, the nature of their profession, coupled with demanding work environments and personal pressures, can lead to various types of conflicts that can impact their well-being and the quality of care they provide. Here are some key points about doctor’s conflicts:

Types of conflicts:

  • Patient-doctor: Disagreements about treatment plans, communication issues, unrealistic patient expectations, or cultural differences.
  • Doctor-colleague: Competition for resources, differing medical opinions, personality clashes, or unethical behavior.
  • Doctor-administrator: Pressure to meet financial targets, administrative burdens hindering patient care, lack of support or resources from the hospital.
  • Doctor-family: Work-life balance challenges, emotional exhaustion impacting relationships, lack of understanding from family members.
  • Doctor-self: Internal conflicts about professional choices, burnout, guilt or moral dilemmas arising from patient care, depression or anxiety.

Consequences of conflict:

  • Reduced job satisfaction and performance: Unresolved conflicts can lead to decreased motivation, cynicism, and decreased quality of care.
  • Burnout and mental health issues: Constant stress and emotional strain can lead to burnout, depression, anxiety, and even substance abuse.
  • Impact on patient care: Conflicts can negatively affect communication and trust between doctors and patients, leading to poor adherence to treatment plans and potentially worse health outcomes.
  • Increased risk of medical errors: Stress and emotional distress can impair judgment and decision-making, increasing the risk of medical errors.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Preparation: Ensure you have all the necessary materials and are familiar with the specific Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu version you’ll be using.
  • Informed consent (if applicable): If required, obtain informed consent from participants before administering the scale. Explain the purpose of the study, the risks and benefits of participation, and their right to withdraw at any time.
  • Instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions in Urdu, explaining the scale format, how to rate the items, and how long it should take to complete. Emphasize anonymity and confidentiality if applicable.
  • Administration: Distribute the Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu questionnaires to participants. Allow sufficient time for them to complete the scale (usually around 15-20 minutes). Be available to answer any questions or clarify any doubts they may have.
  • Collection: Once everyone has finished, collect the completed questionnaires. Ensure all responses are complete and legible.
  • Scoring: Follow the specific scoring instructions provided for the chosen Doctor’s Conflict Scale Urdu version. This typically involves calculating sub-scores for different conflict domains and a total score reflecting overall conflict intensity.
  • Data analysis: Analyze the collected data according to your research objectives. Consider using appropriate statistical tests to compare scores between groups or assess the relationships between variables.

Reliability and Validity

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Available Versions



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Important Link

Scale File:


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