Perceived Family Support Scale Urdu

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Perceived Family Support Scale Urdu

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About Perceived Family Support Scale Urdu

Scale Name

Perceived Family Support Scale Urdu

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Perceived family support scale Urdu
Perceived family support scale Urdu


The importance of family has been noted as a core Latino cultural value (Castillo, Conoley, & Brossart, 2004; Marin & Gamba, 2003; Paniagua, 1998; Sabogal, Marin, Otero-Sabogal, Marin, & PerezStable, 1987). Familismo (familism) is the term used to describe the importance of extended family ties in Latino culture as well as the strong identification and attachment of individuals with their families (Triandis, Marin, Betancourt, Lisansky, & Chang, 1982).

Familism is not unique to Latino culture and has been noted as an important value for other ethnic groups such as African Americans, Asian Americans, and American Indians (Cooper, 1999; Marin & Gamba, 2003). Nevertheless, it is considered a central aspect of Latino culture, and in some studies, it has been shown to be valued by Latino individuals more than by non-Latino Whites (Gaines et al., 1997; Marin, 1993; Mindel, 1980).

In a study of familismo among Latino adolescents, Vazquez Garcia et al. (2000) found that the length of time youth had been in the United States did not affect their adherence to the value of familismo. These results demonstrated that the longer adolescents had been in the United States, the less they endorsed the value of respeto (respect), but their endorsement of familismo did not change. These findings highlight the central and enduring role that family plays in Latino culture, for both adults and adolescents.

Most research about familismo has assessed the attitudinal dimension of this construct, which has been hypothesized to include a sense of perceived support from family, family obligations, solidarity, reciprocity, and family as referents (Marin, 1992; Marin & Gamba, 2003; Sabogal et al., 1987). It appears that perceived family support may be the key component of this value, as evidenced by research with Latino adults that investigated differences in aspects of familismo across acculturation levels. For example, Sabogal et al. found that as acculturation increased, familial obligations and family as referents decreased in respondents. Perceived family support scores, however, did not differ by acculturation level, place of birth or growing up, or generation.

Taken together, research about the importance of family suggests that familismo is a core Latino cultural value and that perceived support from family is a crucial component of this value that is not affected by acculturation level in adults (Marin & Gamba, 2003; Sabogal et al., 1987). In addition, research about family with Latino youth has demonstrated a relationship between aspects of familism and a lower risk of substance abuse (Unger et al., 2002), lower juvenile delinquency rates (Pabon, 1998), and other harmful behaviors (Marin, 1993; Moore, 1970; Rodriguez & Kosloski, 1998).

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

To administer the 30-item Perceived Family Support Scale (PFSS) in Urdu, follow these steps:

  • Obtain a copy of the PFSS in Urdu. This can be done by contacting the scale’s authors or by searching online for a translated version.
  • Explain the purpose of the PFSS to the participant and obtain their informed consent.
  • Provide the participant with a copy of the PFSS in Urdu and ask them to read each item carefully and rate it on a 5-point Likert scale, from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
  • Once the participant has completed the PFSS, check to make sure that they have answered all of the items.
  • Calculate the participant’s total score for each subscale and overall score by summing the scores for the individual items.

Reliability and Validity

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Available Versions



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Important Link

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