Writing Study Questionnaires

by Psychology Roots

Writing Study Questionnaires

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About Writing Study Questionnaires

Scale Name

Writing Study Questionnaires

Author Details

m Richards et al (2000)
Pennebaker, Colder, & Sharp, 1990

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Writing Study Questionnaires
Writing Study Questionnaires


Study Objective: Over the preceding five years, our research has consistently demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of expressing traumatic experiences through writing. This study sought to investigate two primary inquiries: 1. Is there a discernible physical and psychological advantage when incoming freshmen articulate their profound sentiments regarding the college entry experience? 2. What is the optimal timing for such expressive writing—immediately upon arrival at college or after a few months?

Research Methodology: A total of 130 participants were randomly allocated to either the Experimental Group, tasked with documenting their deepest thoughts and feelings about entering college, or the Control Group, assigned non-emotional topics such as daily plans, for three consecutive days. Additionally, participants engaged in the study during one of four intervals: the initial week of classes in September (Wave 1), the first week of October (Wave 2), November (Wave 3), and December (Wave 4).

The primary focus of the investigation centered on the impact of expressive writing on physical health and psychological adjustment to college. Health metrics were derived from the total number of health center visits for illness in the months preceding and following study participation, while psychological adjustment was assessed through periodic questionnaire responses.

Preliminary Findings: By the conclusion of the first semester, two noteworthy outcomes emerged. Firstly, individuals in the Experimental Group exhibited a significantly lower frequency of health center visits for illness compared to those in the Control Group. Moreover, the timing of expressive writing, whether at the semester’s onset or later, did not significantly influence these health benefits. In essence, documenting distressing experiences had markedly positive health effects in the initial months of college.

Secondly, participants in the Experimental Group acknowledged a slight increase in homesickness by the semester’s end compared to those in the Control Group. No significant disparities were observed between the two groups regarding feelings of depression, happiness, etc. Long-term effects are of particular interest and are currently under investigation through recently received questionnaires.

Implications of the Findings: Our initial results suggest that expressive writing about significant psychological events, such as the college entry experience, positively impacts individuals’ physical health. The psychological implications remain to be fully elucidated. We anticipate that subjects in the Experimental Group will exhibit superior long-term adjustment compared to those in the Control Group. If these effects persist, we envision implementing a program encouraging all incoming freshmen to engage in expressive writing about their profound thoughts and feelings upon entering college.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Prepare the materials.
  • Explain the purpose of the questionnaire to the participants.
  • Instruct the participants to complete the questionnaire.
  • Collect the completed questionnaires.
  • Score the questionnaires.

Reliability and Validity

Not available

Available Versions



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