Problem Solving Styles Scale

by Psychology Roots

Problem Solving Styles Scale

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About Scale Name

Scale Name

Problem Solving Styles Scale

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Problem Solving Styles Scale
Problem Solving Styles Scale


Problem-solving styles are the ways in which people approach and solve problems. They are influenced by a variety of factors, including personality, cognitive abilities, and life experiences.

There are many different ways to classify problem-solving styles. However, some of the most common include:

  • Analytical problem-solving: Analytical problem-solvers prefer to use logic and data to solve problems. They are often skilled at identifying patterns and making logical deductions.
  • Intuitive problem-solving: Intuitive problem-solvers rely on their gut instincts and creativity to solve problems. They are often able to come up with innovative solutions that others may not have considered.
  • Directive problem-solving: Directive problem-solvers are action-oriented and prefer to take charge. They are often good at making quick decisions and implementing solutions.
  • Collaborative problem-solving: Collaborative problem-solvers prefer to work with others to solve problems. They are often good at building consensus and getting everyone involved in the problem-solving process.

Each of these problem-solving styles has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, analytical problem-solvers may be good at solving complex problems, but they may be slow to make decisions. Intuitive problem-solvers may be good at coming up with new ideas, but they may not be good at following through on their ideas. Directive problem-solvers may be good at getting things done, but they may not be good at listening to the input of others. Collaborative problem-solvers may be good at building consensus, but they may not be good at making quick decisions.

The best problem-solving style for a given situation will depend on a number of factors, including the nature of the problem, the resources available, and the time constraints. For example, if a problem is complex and requires careful analysis, an analytical problem-solving style may be most appropriate. If a problem is time-sensitive and requires quick action, a directive problem-solving style may be most appropriate.

It is important to note that no one problem-solving style is always better than another. The most effective problem-solvers are those who are able to adapt their style to the situation. They are also able to draw on the strengths of others to solve problems more effectively.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Make sure that the participant understands the instructions.
  • Provide a quiet and private place for the participant to complete the measure.
  • Be respectful of the participant’s privacy.
  • If the participant has any questions, be sure to answer them clearly and concisely.

Reliability and Validity

Not Available

Available Versions




Important Link

Scale File:


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