Moral Judgment Test Urdu

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Moral Judgment Test Urdu

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About Moral Judgment Test Urdu

Scale Name

Moral Judgment Test Urdu

Author Details

Abdul Wahab Liaqat or

Georg Lind

Translation Availability

English, Urdu


The Moral Judgment Test (MJT) was developed to evaluate individuals’ moral judgment competence, as delineated by Lawrence Kohlberg, encapsulating “the capacity to make decisions and judgments which are moral (i.e., based on internal principles) and to act in accordance with such judgments” (Kohlberg, 1964, p. 425). A fundamental tenet of contemporary democracies entails resolving ethical quandaries or conflicts through dialogue and negotiation rather than resorting to coercive measures or violence.

Central to successful negotiation is the participants’ aptitude to heed opposing viewpoints, even amidst adversarial circumstances. Establishing a moral framework for equitable conflict resolution necessitates the acknowledgment and consideration of arguments contrary to one’s own stance. This competency is deemed indispensable for active engagement in democratic, pluralistic societies (Habermas, 1985, 1990; Kohlberg, 1984; Lind, 1987; Power et al., 1989).

Primarily, the MJT evaluates moral judgment competence by assessing how individuals contend with counterarguments, which form the crux of the test. These counterarguments embody the moral challenge confronting the subjects. In the standardized version of the MJT, participants are presented with two moral dilemmas alongside arguments both in favor of and against their proposed solutions.

The primary metric, the C-index, within the MJT quantifies the extent to which an individual’s judgments concerning pro and con arguments are predicated on moral considerations rather than non-moral factors such as concurrence of opinion. It elucidates, in Piagetian terms, the extent to which moral principles have evolved into “necessary knowledge” for the respondent (Lourenço & Machado, 1996, p. 154).

In addition to this cognitive parameter, the MJT enables the assessment of individuals’ moral ideals or attitudes, delineating their stance towards each stage of moral reasoning as conceptualized by Kohlberg (1958; 1984). Moreover, the MJT facilitates the evaluation of various other facets of an individual’s moral judgment behavior, including the situational appropriateness of moral judgment, the extremity of judgment (Heidbrink, 1985), moral closed-mindedness, most preferred stages of reasoning, and more (Lind, 1978; Lind & Wakenhut, 1985). This introductory discourse primarily delves into the C-index, which has been in application since the test’s inception in 1976.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Qualified Administrator: The MJT should ideally be administered by a trained psychologist or researcher familiar with the test and moral development theories.
  • Consent and Information: Before taking the test, participants should provide informed consent and receive a clear explanation of the test’s purpose, structure, and how their responses will be used.
  • Format: The MJT can be administered in written or digital format. Both versions present participants with a series of hypothetical scenarios involving moral dilemmas.
  • Scenario Structure: Each scenario typically includes:
    • A brief description of the situation and the characters involved.
    • A clear presentation of the moral conflict faced by the characters.
    • Multiple response options that reflect different moral reasoning approaches. These might include options based on following rules, seeking personal gain, prioritizing fairness, or considering the well-being of others.
    • Sometimes, open-ended follow-up questions might be included to gain a deeper understanding of the participant’s reasoning process.
  • Time Limits: The MJT is usually untimed, allowing participants sufficient time to carefully consider the scenarios and formulate their responses. However, there might be a general guideline to prevent participants from taking excessively long.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of the Moral Judgment Test (MJT) are important considerations when interpreting its results. Here’s a breakdown of these aspects:


  • Internal Consistency: This refers to whether the test produces consistent results within itself. Most MJT versions demonstrate good internal consistency, meaning someone who scores high on one scenario involving a similar moral principle is likely to score high on others. This is typically measured using statistical methods like Cronbach’s alpha.
  • Test-Retest Reliability: This assesses whether someone taking the test twice within a reasonable time frame (e.g., a few weeks) gets similar scores. While some MJT versions show good test-retest reliability, it’s not always perfect. Factors like memory or changes in moral reasoning over time can lead to some variations in scores.


  • Content Validity: This reflects how well the MJT’s scenarios and questions actually represent the domain of moral reasoning it’s supposed to measure. MJT scenarios often focus on Western moral principles, which might limit its applicability in all cultures.
  • Construct Validity: This assesses whether the MJT truly measures what it’s designed to measure, namely moral reasoning. Studies show the MJT correlates with other measures of moral reasoning, suggesting some construct validity. However, the MJT might also pick up on other cognitive abilities besides pure moral reasoning.
  • Predictive Validity: This refers to whether the MJT can predict real-world moral behavior. While scoring well might suggest a strong moral compass, it doesn’t guarantee someone will always act ethically in real-life situations influenced by emotions, social pressures, or other factors.

Available Versions



Lind, G. (1998). An introduction to the moral judgment test (MJT). Unpublished manuscript. Konstanz: University of Konstanz. http://www. uni-konstanz. de/ag-moral/pdf/MJT-introduction. PDF.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the MJT?
A psychology test to assess moral reasoning skills.

What does it measure?
Moral orientation (underlying principles) and moral competence (reasoning through dilemmas).

How is it given?
By a qualified professional, written or digital format. Scenarios with moral dilemmas and response options.

Is it reliable?
Generally yes within itself (internal consistency). Scores might vary slightly if retaken (test-retest reliability).

Is it valid?
Content validity might be limited by cultural bias. Shows some construct validity for moral reasoning.


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