Sport Performance Scale

by Psychology Roots

Sport Performance Scale

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About Sport Performance Scale

Scale Name

Sport Performance Scale (Coach Rating)

Author Details

Piedmont et al., 1999

Translation Availability

Not Sure


Sport performance is a fascinating area that encompasses the intricate interplay between an athlete’s physical capabilities, mental faculties, and technical skills. It’s essentially the ability to demonstrate proficiency and achieve success in a particular sport.

Here’s a deeper dive into what sport performance involves:

Key Factors Influencing Performance:

  • Physical Fitness: This includes strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, power, agility, and balance. Each sport emphasizes these components differently. A marathoner needs exceptional endurance, while a gymnast requires a combination of strength, power, and flexibility.
  • Mental Toughness: The ability to focus under pressure, manage emotions like anxiety, and maintain motivation are crucial for peak performance. Athletes also need good strategic thinking and decision-making skills in competitive situations.
  • Technical Skills: Mastering the sport-specific techniques is essential. This involves proper form, coordination, and executing maneuvers effectively. A tennis player needs exceptional backhand technique, while a baseball batter focuses on perfecting their swing.
  • Nutritional Practices: A well-balanced diet that fuels the body for training and competition is vital. Athletes need to consider factors like calorie intake, macronutrient ratios (carbs, protein, fat), and hydration to optimize performance and recovery.
  • Recovery and Injury Prevention: Adequate rest and recovery periods are essential to allow the body to repair and rebuild. Athletes also need proper training techniques and injury prevention strategies to minimize the risk of setbacks.

Coach’s ratings (Piedmont et al., 1999). Each player was rated by both the Head and Assistant coaches on 5 performance-relevant dimensions: coachability, athletic ability, game performance, team playerness and work ethic. Ratings were based on 1(below average) to 7 (above average) Likert scale. The coach’s ratings on each dimension were averaged to enhance the reliability of each rating. The effective reliabilities of these averaged ratings ranged from 0.71 for coachability to 0.82 for game performance.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Provide Context: Briefly explain the performance aspect being rated and the purpose of the evaluation.
  • Present the Rating Scale: Show the coach the chosen rating scale and explain the meaning of each point.
  • Ask the Coach for a Rating: Directly ask the coach to rate the athlete’s performance on that specific aspect using the chosen scale. You can ask for a justification or specific observations

Reliability and Validity

The coach’s ratings on each dimension were averaged to enhance the reliability of each rating. The effective reliabilities of these averaged ratings ranged from 0.71 for coachability to 0.82 for game performance.

Available Versions



Rosenthal, R., & Rosnow, R. L. (2008). Essentials of behavioral research: Methods and data analysis.

Mirzaei, A., Nikbakhsh, R., & Sharififar, F. (2013). The relationship between personality traits and sport performance. European Journal of Experimental Biology3(3), 439-442.

Important Link

Scale File:


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