The Peak Experiences Scale

by Psychology Roots

The Peak Experiences Scale

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About Scale Name

Scale Name

The Peak Experiences Scale

Author Details

EW Mathes in 1982

Translation Availability

Not Sure

The Peak Experiences Scale
The Peak Experiences Scale


The Peak Experiences Scale is a measure developed by EW Mathes in 1982 to assess the tendency to have peak experiences. The concept of peak experiences was first introduced by Abraham Maslow, who suggested that they are moments of intense happiness, fulfillment, and wonder that provide a sense of transcendence and self-actualization. The Peak Experiences Scale is based on Maslow’s theory and aims to quantify the likelihood of having these types of experiences. The scale consists of 20 items and is scored on a 5-point Likert scale. Higher scores indicate a greater tendency to have peak experiences.

Peak experiences are characterized by feelings of euphoria, awe, or ecstasy over an experience. They are often associated with spiritual or mystical experiences, and individuals who report having peak experiences are more likely to report living in terms of Being-values, such as truth, beauty, and justice. Examples of peak experiences include falling in love, achieving a lifelong goal, witnessing a beautiful sunset, or experiencing a religious epiphany.

The concept of peak experiences has been widely studied in psychology and has been linked to a range of positive outcomes, including increased creativity, improved mental health, and enhanced well-being. However, peak experiences are also rare and difficult to achieve, and some individuals may be more prone to them than others.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

The Peak Experiences Scale (PEAK) is a self-report measure that assesses the frequency and intensity of peak experiences, which are defined as moments of intense joy, clarity, and transcendence. The PEAK consists of 70 items, and respondents rate each item with true or flase answer.

Reliability and Validity

The Peak Experiences Scale developed by EW Mathes in 1982 has adequate reliability with an alpha of 0.94. The scale measures tendencies for peak experience. The scale has been used in various studies, including one that aimed to create a measure of the tendency to have peak experiences. However, there is no information on the validity of the scale in the provided search results.

Available Versions



Mathes, E. W., Zevon, M. A., Roter, P. M., & Joerger, S. M. (1982). Peak experience tendencies: Scale development and theory testing. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22(3), 92–108.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Peak Experiences Scale?
The Peak Experiences Scale is a psychological measure developed by EW Mathes in 1982 to assess a person’s tendency to have peak experiences, defined as moments of intense happiness, fulfillment, and wonder that provide a sense of transcendence and self-actualization.

Who created the Peak Experiences Scale?
The scale was developed by EW Mathes in 1982.

What is the Peak Experiences Scale based on?
The Peak Experiences Scale is based on Abraham Maslow’s theory of peak experiences, which suggest that they are moments of intense happiness, fulfillment, and wonder that provide a sense of transcendence and self-actualization.

How many items are included in the Peak Experiences Scale?
The Peak Experiences Scale consists of 70 items.

How is the Peak Experiences Scale administered and scored?
The Peak Experiences Scale is a self-report measure that respondents rate each item with a true or false answer. Higher scores indicate a greater tendency to have peak experiences.

What do higher scores on the Peak Experiences Scale indicate?
Higher scores on the Peak Experiences Scale indicate a greater tendency to have peak experiences, which are characterized by feelings of euphoria, awe, or ecstasy over an experience.

What are some examples of peak experiences?
Examples of peak experiences include falling in love, achieving a lifelong goal, witnessing a beautiful sunset, or experiencing a religious epiphany.

Is there information available on the validity of the Peak Experiences Scale?
There is no information available on the validity of the Peak Experiences Scale in the provided search results.


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