The Neophilia Scale

by Psychology Roots

The Neophilia Scale

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About Scale Name

Scale Name

The Neophilia Scale

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The Neophilia Scale
The Neophilia Scale


This questionnaire consisted of fifty questions, and each was graded on a Likert scale ranging from one to five points. The appendix includes not only this information but also the item-total correlations, means, and standard deviations in their entirety. The sum of the agreement scores was used to construct the scale scores after taking into consideration the direction in which the items were switched around.

Because of this, it was possible to devise a scale in which higher scores indicated a stronger capacity for adaptability to changing circumstances. Initially, the scale was designed to be utilized for an entirely other purpose. As a consequence of this, several of the items on the list of 50 are not the most effective ones to make use of in order to get an accurate assessment on neophilia. In spite of this, each item was preserved for the purpose of the preliminary analyses of the data.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

Provide clear instructions to participants on how to complete the Neophilia Scale. Explain that the scale consists of 50 statements and that they will be asked to rate the extent to which they agree or disagree with each statement on a five-point Likert scale.

Reverse the score (5 = 1, 4 = 2, 3 = 3, 2 = 4, 1 = 5) for the following items: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 37, and 38. After completing this step, add your responses
to the items.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of the 50-Item Neophilia Scale have been assessed in several studies. Studies have generally found that the Neophilia Scale has good internal consistency and test-retest reliability, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients typically above 0.80 and test-retest correlations ranging from 0.67 to 0.92.

Available Versions



Walker, I., & Gibbins, K. (1989). Expecting the Unexpected: An Explanation of Category Width. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 68, 715-724.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the authors of the Neophilia Scale?
The authors of the Neophilia Scale are Lain Walker and Keith Gibbins.

Is the Neophilia Scale available in other languages?
It is not clear if the Neophilia Scale is available in other languages.

How is the Neophilia Scale administered and scored?
Participants are asked to rate their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement on a five-point Likert scale. The score is reversed for certain items and then the responses are added together.

What is the reliability and validity of the Neophilia Scale?
Several studies have found that the Neophilia Scale has good internal consistency and test-retest reliability, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients typically above 0.80 and test-retest correlations ranging from 0.67 to 0.92.

Are there different versions of the Neophilia Scale?

Yes, there are 50-item and 38-item versions of the Neophilia Scale.

What is the reference for the Neophilia Scale?
The reference for the Neophilia Scale is: Walker, I., & Gibbins, K. (1989). Expecting the Unexpected: An Explanation of Category Width. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 68, 715-724.


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