Test Anxiety Inventory

by Psychology Roots

Test Anxiety Inventory

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About Test Anxiety Inventory

Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI; Spielberger et al., 1980): The TAI is one of the most widely used instruments for measuring test anxiety in high school and college students. The TAI consists of 20 items in which respondents are asked to report how often they experience anxiety symptoms before, during, and after taking tests. Each item is rated on a 4 point Likert scale (1=almost never, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always), where respondents indicate how often they have experienced the reaction to tests described in the item, yielding a total test anxiety score ranging from a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 80 points.
The TAI yields two subscale scores that measure worry and emotionality. The Chinese Version TAI (TAI-C) was translated by Ye (Ye, 1989). The reading level of the TAI-C is appropriate for the 12th grade high school students in this study. Psychometric data on the TAI-C suggests adequate test-retest reliability and internal reliability. Test-retest reliabilities for the TAI-C total scores, and the Worry and Emotionality subscales have ranged from .72 to .88.
The internal consistency as measured by Cronbach’s alpha for the TAI-C total, Worry subscale, and Emotionality subscale are .90, .84, and .80, respectively. The TAI-C also has demonstrated adequate validity. The relationship between the TAI-C and its subscales with other anxiety measures, such as Sarason’s Test Anxiety Scale (TAS; Sarason, 1978), provide evidence of convergent validity. The correlation between the TAI-C scores and the TAS was significantly high (.60) which suggested that the two scales measure essentially the similar construct.

Test Anxiety Inventory

Test Anxiety Inventory

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