Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale

by Psychology Roots

Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale

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About Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale

Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale (Avallone et al., 2007): The Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale (SWSES) is composed of 12 items. The various items concern one’s perception of their capability to select among job offers, to build strategies for the attainment of a goal, to respect other people’s competences, and to work with new members, to manage time difficulties and stressful situations typical of job searches, to consider a failure a challenge rather than a problem.
Participants were asked to evaluate how capable they felt in carrying out the described action or behavior on a Likert scale, from 1 (Not well at all) to 5 (Very well). The factor structure which emerged in the Italian study (20-60 years of age, n=3,879) revealed four dimensions: Frustration coping, that is the subject’s perception of being capable of managing difficult moments while searching for a job (e.g. “…consider a failure a challenge, rather than a problem”); Enterprising exploration, that is the perception of being capable of actively committing oneself to searching for a job (e.g. “… understand the found information”); Proactive Career Planning, that is the perception of one’s own capability to actively plan their professional future (e.g. “…build strategies for the attainment of goals”); Relational integration, that is the perception of feeling capable of acquiring and maintaining functional relationships in work settings (e.g. “… work with new team members”). The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for the four factors were .84, .62, .74 and .55, respectively (Avallone et al., 2007).

Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale

Search for Work Self-Efficacy Scale

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