Parental Authority Questionnaire

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Parental Authority Questionnaire

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About Parental Authority Questionnaire

Scale Name

Parental Authority Questionnaire

Author Details

John P. Buri

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Parental Authority Questionnaire
Parental Authority Questionnaire


The Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) was developed by John P. Buri in 1989 to measure three parenting styles: permissiveness, authoritarianism, and authoritativeness. The PAQ is based on Diana Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles, which was first published in 1967.

Baumrind identified three distinct parenting styles:

  • Permissive parenting: Permissive parents have few rules and expectations for their children. They are generally lenient and rarely punish their children.
  • Authoritarian parenting: Authoritarian parents have high expectations for their children and enforce their rules strictly. They are often demanding and controlling, and they may use punishment to discipline their children.
  • Authoritative parenting: Authoritative parents have high expectations for their children, but they also provide warmth and support. They are clear and consistent with their rules, and they explain their reasoning to their children. They also listen to their children’s opinions and take them into consideration when making decisions.

Buri’s PAQ was designed to measure these three parenting styles from the child’s perspective. The PAQ consists of 30 items, 10 for each parenting style. The items are statements about the parent’s behavior, and the respondent is asked to rate how well each statement describes their parent.

The PAQ has been widely used in research to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and child development. Research has shown that authoritative parenting is the most beneficial parenting style for children. Children raised by authoritative parents tend to be more successful in school and in their careers. They are also more likely to have healthy relationships and to be well-adjusted.

The PAQ is also used in clinical settings to help parents identify their parenting style and to make changes to their parenting if desired. A therapist can help parents to understand the different parenting styles and the impact that each style can have on their child. The therapist can also help parents to develop more effective parenting skills.

The PAQ is a valuable tool for researchers and clinicians alike. It has helped us to understand the different parenting styles and their impact on child development. The PAQ has also provided clinicians with a valuable tool for helping parents improve their parenting skills.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

The Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) can be administered to individuals or groups. It is typically self-administered, but it can also be administered by a trained interviewer.

To administer the PAQ, simply provide the respondent with a copy of the questionnaire and instruct them to read each item and rate how well it describes their parent.

Once the respondent has rated all 30 items, add up their scores for each parenting style. The higher their score, the more closely their parent’s parenting style matches that parenting style.

Here are some additional tips for administering the PAQ:

  • Make sure that the respondent is in a comfortable and private setting.
  • Explain the purpose of the questionnaire and assure the respondent that their responses are confidential.
  • Instruct the respondent to answer each item honestly and to the best of their ability.
  • Answer any questions that the respondent may have.
  • If the respondent is unable to read or understand the questionnaire, it can be administered orally by a trained interviewer.

Reliability and Validity

The Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) is a reliable and valid measure of parenting styles. It has been shown to be reliable across different populations and time periods. The PAQ has also been shown to be valid, meaning that it accurately measures the parenting styles that it is designed to measure.

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A reliable measure will produce similar results when it is administered to the same people on different occasions.

The PAQ has been shown to be reliable in a number of studies. For example, one study found that the PAQ had a test-retest reliability of 0.86, meaning that the scores of participants who completed the PAQ twice, two weeks apart, were highly correlated.

Another study found that the PAQ had good internal consistency, meaning that the items of the PAQ are well-correlated with each other. The Cronbach’s alpha for the PAQ was found to be 0.87, which is considered to be good reliability.

Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure. A valid measure will accurately measure what it is designed to measure.

The PAQ has been shown to be valid in a number of studies. For example, one study found that the PAQ scores of participants were correlated with the parenting styles that their parents reported using. This suggests that the PAQ is accurately measuring parenting styles.

Another study found that the PAQ scores of participants were correlated with their own child development outcomes, such as academic achievement and social adjustment. This suggests that the PAQ is measuring parenting styles in a way that is relevant to child development.

Available Versions



Buri, J.R. (1991). Parental Authority Questionnaire, Journal of Personality and
Social Assessment, 57, 110-119

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ)?
The PAQ is a self-report questionnaire that measures three parenting styles: permissiveness, authoritarianism, and authoritativeness.

Who developed the PAQ?
The PAQ was developed by John P. Buri in 1989.

How is the PAQ administered?
The PAQ is typically self-administered, but it can also be administered by a trained interviewer.

How is the PAQ scored?
The PAQ is scored by adding up the respondent’s scores for each parenting style. The higher the score, the more closely the respondent’s parent’s parenting style matches that parenting style.

What are the limitations of the PAQ?
The PAQ is a self-report measure, meaning that it relies on the respondent to accurately report their own perceptions of their parent’s parenting style. This means that the PAQ is susceptible to bias and distortion. Additionally, the PAQ only measures three parenting styles, and there are other parenting styles that are not captured by the PAQ.

What are some uses for the PAQ?
The PAQ can be used by researchers to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and child development. It can also be used by clinicians to help parents identify their parenting style and to make changes to their parenting if desired.


Please note that Psychology Roots does not have the right to grant permission for the use of any psychological scales or assessments listed on its website. To use any scale or assessment, you must obtain permission directly from the author or translator of the tool. Psychology Roots provides information about various tools and their administration procedures, but it is your responsibility to obtain proper permissions before using any scale or assessment. If you need further information about an author’s contact details, please submit a query to the Psychology Roots team.

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Irfana July 31, 2022 - 6:25 pm

Hi, is paternal authority questionnaire requires permission to use

Aamir August 1, 2022 - 7:06 pm

Kindly create query in our community (

Christopher John B. Barcesa September 12, 2022 - 4:41 pm

September 12, 2022

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am an undergraduate student from the University of Northern Philippines writing my thesis titled Maternal Parenting Styles and Experiences of Young Adults: A Sequential Explanatory Study, under the supervision of my research adviser Kristina Camille M. Pacris, RPsy, MS Psych

I would like your permission to use the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) survey/questionnaire instrument in my research study. I would like to use and print your survey under the following conditions:
·      I will use the surveys only for my research study and will not sell or use it with any compensated or curriculum development activities.
·      I will include the copyright statement on all copies of the instrument.
·      I will send a copy of my completed research study to your attention upon completion of the study.
If these are acceptable terms and conditions, please indicate so by replying to me through e-mail:


Christopher John B. Barcesa

Aamir September 12, 2022 - 7:22 pm

Respected Christopher John B. Barcesa!
We are only information provider, you need to contact the author. if you don’t know the details then create query in our community ( and we will provide complete information.

Lixiang January 11, 2023 - 2:50 pm

Good evening,I did leave a message in the coumminity,but no one reply me.I would like to ask how to get the permission to use this questionnaire. It’s very urgent for me to go on my dissertation.Please contact me! thank you so much!

Aamir January 14, 2023 - 5:39 pm

Already Answered in the community

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