School Environment Scale

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School Environment Scale

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About School Environment Scale

Scale Name

School Environment Scale

Author Details

Paul Kelly

Translation Availability

Not Sure

School Environment Scale
School Environment Scale


The School Environment Scale (SES) is a research instrument that measures the social-psychological aspects of a school environment. The SES is based on the conceptual framework developed by Rudolf Moos, which suggests that a school environment consists of three dimensions: relationship, personal development, and system maintenance and change. These dimensions are further divided into 10 subscales, including cohesion, academic emphasis, teacher support, order and organization, safety, student involvement, task orientation, innovation, rule clarity, and student goal orientation.

The SES is typically administered as a self-report questionnaire to staff and students, with separate versions available for elementary, middle/junior high, and high schools. Respondents are asked to rate the extent to which they agree or disagree with statements about their school environment, using a five-point Likert scale.

The SES has been widely used in educational research to examine the relationships between school environment and various outcomes, such as academic achievement, student engagement, teacher burnout, and school climate. The instrument has been found to have good psychometric properties, including high internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and validity.

Overall, the SES provides a useful tool for educators and researchers to assess the social-psychological aspects of the school environment and to identify areas in need of improvement.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Selection of participants: A representative sample of students, teachers, and administrators is selected to participate in the survey.
  • Distribution of materials: The SES questionnaire is distributed to the selected participants.
  • Completion of the questionnaire: Participants complete the questionnaire anonymously.
  • Data collection: The completed questionnaires are collected and scored.
  • Data analysis: The data is analyzed to identify strengths and weaknesses in the school environment.

Reliability and Validity

The School Environment Scale (SES) has been found to be a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the social-psychological aspects of a school environment. Reliability refers to the consistency of the instrument’s measurements. Several studies have reported that the SES has high internal consistency, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranging from 0.70 to 0.91. This indicates that the subscales of the SES are reliable and consistent in measuring the social-psychological dimensions of school environment.

Validity refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what it is designed to measure. The SES has been found to have good construct, content, criterion-related, and predictive validity. Construct validity refers to the degree to which a measure accurately captures the constructs it is intended to measure. The SES has satisfactory construct validity because the four factors it measures–teacher support, student involvement, order and organization, and safety–are conceptually meaningful and related to the social-psychological dimensions of school environment.

Content validity refers to the extent to which an instrument assesses all elements of the construct it evaluates. The SES has good content validity because its items comprehensively assess the three dimensions of school environment identified by Rudolf Moos. Criterion-related validity refers to the degree to which an instrument’s scores correlate with benchmarks or criteria that measure the same construct. The SES has been found to have good criterion-related validity.

Finally, predictive validity refers to the degree to which test results accurately predict future performance or outcomes. Several studies have found that the SES’s subscales predict various educational outcomes, such as academic achievement, student engagement, and school climate. Therefore, the SES is a robust instrument with good reliability and validity, making it a useful tool for educators and researchers for measuring school environment.

Available Versions

25-Items (Parent Version)
68-Items (Staff Version)


Kelly, P. (2010). School and classroom environment of a small Catholic secondary school (Doctoral dissertation, Australian Catholic University).

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the School Environment Scale (SES)?
The SES is a research instrument that measures the social-psychological dimensions of a school environment. It was developed based on Rudolf Moos’s conceptual framework, which delineates three dimensions of school environment: relationship, personal development, and system maintenance and change.

What does the SES measure?
The SES measures various aspects of school environment, including teacher support, student involvement, order and organization, and safety. The instrument is comprised of 10 subscales.

How is the SES administered?
The SES is typically administered as a self-report questionnaire to staff and/or students at a school. Respondents are asked to rate their agreement or disagreement with various statements related to their school environment, using a five-point Likert scale.

How reliable is the SES?
The SES has high internal consistency reliability, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranging from 0.70 to 0.91.

How valid is the SES?
The SES has good construct, content, criterion-related, and predictive validity.

How can the SES be used?
The SES can be used to measure the social-psychological aspects of school environment and to identify areas that require improvement. It has been used in educational research to evaluate the relationships between school environment and various educational outcomes, such as academic achievement and student engagement.

Is the SES appropriate for all school levels?
Versions of the SES are available for elementary, middle/junior high, and high schools, making it a versatile instrument that can be used across school levels.

Can the SES be used for international schools?
The SES has been adapted and validated for use in various countries and cultural contexts, making it a useful tool for international schools.

How long does it take to complete the SES?
The SES takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, depending on the version and number of subscales used.


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