Adjustment Styles Inventory

by Psychology Roots

Adjustment Styles Inventory

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About Adjustment Styles Inventory

Scale Name

Adjustment Styles Inventory

Author Details

Still searching

Translation Availability

Not Sure


Adjustment styles describe how people cope with challenges and new situations. There are different models for adjustment styles, but one influential theory by Greer and Watson (1987) identifies five common approaches:

  • Fighting spirit: This involves actively confronting problems and trying to change the situation. People with this style are assertive and persistent.
  • Avoidance or denial: Here, the person avoids facing the challenge or minimizes its importance. This might be a temporary strategy, but can be unhealthy in the long run.
  • Fatalism: This involves a belief that the situation is out of their control and there’s nothing they can do. People with this style may feel resigned or apathetic.
  • Helplessness and hopelessness: This is similar to fatalism, but with a stronger feeling of despair and giving up.
  • Anxious preoccupation: People with this style worry excessively about the problem and have difficulty letting go. They may ruminate on negative thoughts.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Prepare Materials: Make copies of the scale with clear instructions and answer sheet. Ensure anonymity if needed.
  • Prepare the Environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit space with minimal distractions.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and the purpose of the assessment. Explain that there are no right or wrong answers and responses will be kept confidential.
  • Instructions: Clearly explain how to complete the scale.
  • Answering Questions: Address any questions participants may have about the scale or instructions.
  • Administration: Distribute the scale and answer sheet. Allow sufficient time for completion (around 15-20 minutes).
  • Collection: Collect all completed scales and answer sheets. Thank participants for their time.

Reliability and Validity


Available Versions



Still searching

Important Link

Scale File:


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