Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale

by Psychology Roots

Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale

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About Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale

Scale Name

Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale Revised Second Edition (School Version)

Author Details

S.B. McCarney and T.J. Arthaud.

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale Revised Second Edition (School Version)
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale Revised Second Edition (School Version)


The ABES-R2 School Version emerged from the need for a reliable and efficient tool to assess a student’s adaptive behavior in educational settings. Traditional assessments often focus on academic skills, but success in school goes beyond that. The ABES-R2 addresses this gap by measuring a student’s ability to perform critical everyday tasks within the school environment and beyond.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the background and introduction of the ABES-R2 School Version:

  • Response to a Growing Need:
    • The identification of students with various disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders, was increasing.
    • Existing assessments often lacked a focus on adaptive skills, making it difficult to determine a student’s overall functioning in school.
  • Addressing the Shortfall:
    • The ABES-R2 School Version was developed to fill this gap.
    • It provides a standardized tool for educators and other school personnel to assess a student’s adaptive behavior in areas crucial for success at school.
  • Building on a Foundation:
    • The ABES-R2 is based on the definition of adaptive behavior established by the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) (now the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – AAIDD).
    • This definition emphasizes the importance of practical skills for daily living.
  • Focus on Educational Settings:
    • The School Version tailors the assessment specifically to skills relevant within a school environment.
    • This includes areas like functional academics, self-direction in the classroom, and social interaction with peers.

The ABES-R2 School Version offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: It provides a detailed picture of a student’s strengths and weaknesses in various adaptive skills related to school functioning.
  • Data-driven Decisions: The standardized scoring allows for objective comparisons and helps in making informed decisions about interventions and support plans.
  • Identification of Needs: It can be instrumental in identifying students who may require special education services or individualized support within the general education classroom.
  • Progress Monitoring: The ABES-R2 can be used to track a student’s progress over time and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

Who Can Administer:

  • Teachers: They have a firsthand view of the student’s daily functioning in the classroom and can provide valuable insights into their adaptive skills.
  • Other School Personnel: This could include specialists like psychologists, counselors, or social workers who may have interacted with the student in different school settings.
  • Parents/Guardians (with Caution): While parent input can be valuable, their perspective might not always reflect the student’s performance at school. It’s important to consider both parent and school rater evaluations for a more holistic picture.

Administration Process:

  • Gather Materials: You’ll need the ABES-R2 School Version rating form and a copy of the test manual.
  • Review Background Information: Familiarize yourself with the student’s background information, including any academic or behavioral concerns.
  • Read Instructions: Carefully review the test manual to understand the scoring guidelines and specific instructions for each item.
  • Rate Each Item: For each item on the rating form, consider the student’s typical performance in that skill at school. The scale usually ranges from 0 (never demonstrates the skill) to 5 (consistently demonstrates the skill).
  • Complete the Form: Ensure all sections of the rating form are completed accurately, including student information, rater information, and scoring for each item.

Reliability and Validity

The Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale-Revised Second Edition (ABES-R2) School Version demonstrates evidence of both reliability and validity, which are crucial aspects of any assessment tool. Here’s a breakdown of these aspects:


  • Test-Retest Reliability: This refers to the consistency of scores when the test is administered to the same student twice within a stable time frame. The ABES-R2 School Version shows test-retest reliability coefficients ranging from .60 to .85 for its subscales, indicating substantial consistency in scores.
  • Inter-Rater Reliability: This measures the level of agreement between different raters scoring the same student. The ABES-R2 School Version demonstrates inter-rater reliability coefficients ranging from .61 to .73 for its subscales, suggesting good agreement between raters.


  • Content Validity: The ABES-R2 School Version establishes content validity through its development process. The items on the scale are carefully chosen to represent the essential adaptive skills relevant to a school environment.
  • Criterion-Related Validity: This type of validity examines how well the ABES-R2 scores correlate with scores from other established measures of adaptive behavior. While specific studies for the School Version might be limited, the ABES-R2 in general shows evidence of concurrent validity by correlating with other assessments like the Scales of Independent Behavior – Revised.
  • Construct Validity: This assesses whether the test measures the intended construct (adaptive skills in this case). The ABES-R2 School Version demonstrates construct validity through factor analysis, which confirms that the items group together logically as intended by the three adaptive behavior domains (conceptual, social, and practical skills).
  • Diagnostic Validity: This refers to the ability of the test to accurately differentiate between students with and without disabilities. The strong internal consistency of the ABES-R2 and its correlation with total score performance support its diagnostic validity.

Available Versions



McCarney, S. B. (n.d.). Adaptive behavior evaluation scale-third edition: 13-18 complete kit. Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale-Third Edition: 13-18.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the ABES-R2 School Version?
A: The ABES-R2 School Version is a standardized tool designed to assess a student’s adaptive behavior in a school setting. It measures critical skills for success at school beyond just academics.

Q: Who can administer the ABES-R2 School Version?
A: Teachers, familiar with the student’s daily classroom performance, are primary candidates. Other school personnel like psychologists or social workers can also administer it. Parent input, while valuable, should be used cautiously alongside school rater evaluations.

Q: How is the ABES-R2 School Version administered?
A: The rater reviews the rating form, student background information, and test manual instructions. Then, they rate each item based on the student’s typical performance in that skill at school, using a scale like 0 (never demonstrates) to 5 (consistently demonstrates).

Q: How long does it take to complete the ABES-R2 School Version?
A: It typically takes around 20 minutes to complete the rating form.

Q: Is the ABES-R2 School Version reliable and valid?
A: Yes, the ABES-R2 School Version demonstrates good reliability (consistency of scores) and validity (measures what it intends to measure).

Q: What are the benefits of using the ABES-R2 School Version?
A: It provides a comprehensive picture of a student’s adaptive skills, aids in data-driven decisions about interventions, helps identify students who may need extra support, and allows for progress monitoring.


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