Pleasant Events Schedule

by Psychology Roots

Pleasant Events Schedule

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About Pleasant Events Schedule

Scale Name

Pleasant Events Schedule

Author Details

Peter M. Lewinsohn

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Pleasant Events Schedule
Pleasant Events Schedule


Developed in 1978 by clinical psychologist Dr. Peter Lewinsohn, in collaboration with Dr. Linda Teri, the Pleasant Events Schedule (PES) emerged from a need to better understand and measure enjoyable activities in individuals experiencing depression. This self-report tool, taking roughly 10-15 minutes to complete, presents a list of 47 common activities like spending time with loved ones, enjoying nature, or engaging in hobbies. Each activity is rated twice: frequency (how often it occurred in the past month) and pleasantness (how much joy it brought).

The PES serves two key purposes. First, it helps individuals identify activities they find genuinely enjoyable, fostering self-awareness and highlighting potential sources of positive reinforcement. This can be particularly valuable for those struggling with depression, where motivation and engagement can be diminished. Second, the PES tracks mood over time by monitoring changes in activity frequency and enjoyment. This data can be used by therapists to tailor treatment plans, identify areas for improvement, and measure progress.

The PES stands out for its simplicity and ease of administration. Its self-report nature empowers individuals to take ownership of their mental health and monitor their progress. Additionally, the tool’s reliability and validity have been established through research, solidifying its place as a valuable asset in the fight against depression and promoting overall well-being.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Gather materials: You’ll need a copy of the PES questionnaire (available online or through professional sources) and a pen/pencil.
  • Create a comfortable environment: Choose a quiet, private space where the participant feels relaxed and at ease.
  • Explain the purpose: Briefly explain the PES’s goal – to understand enjoyable activities and track mood – and emphasize confidentiality.
  • Review instructions: Clearly explain how to complete the questionnaire. Emphasize rating each activity on both frequency (how often it happened in the past month) and pleasantness (how much enjoyment it brought) using the provided scales.
  • Answer questions: Address any questions or concerns the participant might have about the instructions or specific activities listed.
  • Allow independent completion: Encourage the participant to complete the PES independently and at their own pace. Avoid offering suggestions or influencing their responses.
  • Collect the completed form: Thank the participant for their time and cooperation.

Reliability and Validity

The Pleasant Events Schedule (PES) boasts good reliability and validity, making it a valuable tool for research and clinical practice. Here’s a closer look at its strengths:


  • Test-retest reliability: Studies show strong correlations between PES scores completed a few months apart, indicating consistency over time.
  • Internal consistency: The individual scales within the PES (e.g., Social, Leisure) show good internal coherence, suggesting items within each category measure the same construct effectively.


  • Concurrent validity: PES scores correlate well with other measures of positive emotions and depression, indicating it accurately captures its intended construct.
  • Construct validity: The PES discriminates between different groups expected to differ in enjoyable activities, such as depressed vs. non-depressed individuals.

Available Versions



MacPhillamy, D. J., & Lewinsohn, P. M. (1982). The pleasant events schedule: Studies on reliability, validity, and scale intercorrelation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology50(3), 363.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the PES?
A tool to track enjoyable activities and mood over time.

Who uses it?
Individuals with depression, researchers, therapists.

What does it measure?
Frequency and pleasantness of 47 common activities.

How is it administered?
Self-report questionnaire, takes 10-15 minutes.

Is it reliable and valid?
Yes, shows good test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and correlates with other mood and depression measures.


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