Child Management Questionnaire

by Psychology Roots

Child Management Questionnaire

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About Child Management Questionnaire

Scale Name

Child Management Questionnaire – Teacher Version

Author Details

S.A. Hussein and P. Vostanis

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Child Management Questionnaire - Teacher Version
Child Management Questionnaire – Teacher Version


The Child Management Questionnaire is a tool designed to help teachers manage their students’ behaviors in the classroom. It is available in both student and teacher versions. The teacher version is called the Child Management Questionnaire – Teacher Version (CMQ-T).
The questionnaire aims to identify the most common behavior management challenges faced by teachers and provide effective strategies to address them. The CMQ-T is a self-administered survey that assesses the knowledge and skills of teachers in managing classroom behavior. It consists of three sections:

  1. Demographics: collects information about the teacher’s professional background, length of time since qualification, length of time working at the current school, and whether they have undertaken any training related to the children’s educational needs.
  2. Classroom Situations: asks the teacher to read through each situation and choose the appropriate action among the multiple choices provided. The situations cover a range of common classroom behaviors, such as disruptions during class, students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and emotional and behavioral problems, among others.
  3. Management Strategies: in this section, teachers are asked to rate how frequently they use different management strategies in the classroom, such as rewards, punishments, praise, encouragement, and feedback, among others.
    By answering the questionnaire, teachers can identify their strengths and weaknesses in managing classroom behavior. They can learn new skills and strategies to help them create a more positive and productive learning environment for their students. The questionnaire can also help school administrators to identify areas where additional training or support may be required to improve teachers’ management skills.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

The Child Management Questionnaire (CMQ) is a self-administered survey that assesses the knowledge and skills of teachers in managing classroom behavior. The following are the steps to administer the CMQ:

  • Introduce the questionnaire: The teacher should explain to their colleagues what the CMQ is, what it is designed to assess, and how it would be useful in improving classroom management techniques.
  • Distribute the questionnaire: The teacher should distribute the questionnaire to their colleagues. The questionnaire can be provided in paper format or delivered electronically.
  • Provide Instructions: The teacher should provide instructions for completing the questionnaire. Explain how to respond to each item in the questionnaire, and ensure that all items are understood.
  • Allow time for completion: The teacher should allow enough time for the colleagues to complete the questionnaire. The amount of time will depend on the length of the questionnaire and the complexity of the questions.
  • Collect the completed questionnaires: Once the colleagues have completed the questionnaire, the teacher should collect the questionnaires.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of the Child Management Questionnaire (CMQ) have been evaluated in several studies.

Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of a test. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability are two common measures of reliability. Internal consistency is the degree to which the items in a test are consistent with one another. Test-retest reliability is the degree to which the same test administered to the same individuals yields consistent results over time.

Several studies have found good internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the CMQ. For example, a study by Vostanis, Humphrey, and Fitzgerald (2003) found good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = .83) and test-retest reliability (ICC = .82) for the CMQ.

Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is intended to measure. Content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity are three common types of validity.

Several studies have examined the validity of the CMQ. For example, a study by Humphrey and colleagues (2006) found that the CMQ was able to differentiate between teachers who had received behavior management training and those who had not received training, supporting the criterion-related validity of the questionnaire.
In another study by Vostanis et al. (2003), the authors used factor analysis to examine the construct validity of the CMQ.

The analysis revealed four factors: Proactive Classroom Management, Reactive Classroom Management, Classroom Climate and Relationships, and Behavioural Knowledge and Skills. These factors provide evidence of the construct validity of the CMQ and demonstrate that the questionnaire measures the intended constructs.

Available Versions

20-Items (Teacher version)


Hussein, S. A., & Vostanis, P. (2013). Teacher training intervention for early identification of common child mental health problems in Pakistan. Emotional and behavioural difficulties18(3), 284-296.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Child Management Questionnaire (CMQ)?
A: The Child Management Questionnaire (CMQ) is a self-administered survey that assesses the knowledge and skills of teachers in managing classroom behavior. It consists of three sections that assess the teacher’s demographics, classroom situations, and management strategies used in the classroom.

Q: What is the purpose of the CMQ?
A: The purpose of the CMQ is to help teachers to identify their strengths and weaknesses in managing classroom behavior. By answering the questions in each section of the survey, teachers can learn new skills and strategies to help them create a more positive and productive learning environment for their students.

Q: How long does it take to complete the CMQ?
A: The length of time needed to complete the CMQ will depend on the length of the questionnaire and the complexity of the questions. Typically, it takes between 15-30 minutes to complete the CMQ.

Q: Is the CMQ available in different languages?
A: The CMQ has been translated into several languages, including Spanish, Greek, and Chinese. However, the availability of translations may depend on the region and the version used by the organization.

Q: How reliable and valid is the CMQ?
A: Several studies have evaluated the reliability and validity of the CMQ. These studies indicate good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. In general, the results provide evidence that the CMQ is a reliable and valid tool for assessing teachers’ behavior management skills.


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