Hypnosis as a Therapy for Nausea

by Psychology Roots

Hypnosis as a Therapy for Nausea

Here in this post, we are discussing Hypnosis as a Therapy for Nausea”.  You can read more about psychology-related material on our website. Keep visiting Psychology Roots.
Nausea is a frequent sensation that causes stomach distress and is experienced by almost everyone at some time in their life. It may happen just before you feel sick to your stomach. Infections, drugs, chemotherapy, stomach acid reflux, eating too little or too much, motion sickness, and even emotional distress may all trigger nausea (Kuttner, 2012; Richardson, 2007). Nausea may be the body’s method of communicating that something is too much to bear, such as an unwanted temptation or a poisonous relationship.
When caused by something transitory like an illness or a long vehicle journey, nausea often disappears fast. However, in other cases, nausea persists for extended periods of time due to underlying conditions that go untreated, such as acid reflux or a fear of vomiting that goes neglected (emetophobia). Some unlucky people have persistent nausea that might last for weeks or months.

Hypnosis as a Therapy for Nausea

Hypnosis as a Therapy for Nausea

Why Hypnosis is Beneficial for Nausea

Multiple studies have demonstrated that hypnosis may help alleviate the severity of nausea, regardless of the underlying reason. Patients may learn to alter their brain’s reaction to a nausea signal from the body, which is why hypnosis can be effective in this situation.
When utilised to assist a patient cope better with the triggers of their psychological stress, hypnosis and counselling may reduce nausea induced by psychological disorders.
Hypnosis-directed therapy for those whose nausea persists after conventional medical treatment is warranted because of the strong correlation between the two criteria.

Hypnosis for the Treatment of Nausea

Metaphors with a downhill movement may be useful when nausea is caused by a physical problem, since sickness signals the probability of an oncoming event. Therefore, visualising a waterfall, rain, descending escalator, or even arriving on the moon may help alleviate nausea. Mentally decreasing the nausea’s intensity, as if with a dial or a lever, may also assist. I usually have the patient tell me what kind of images they respond to best, or I’ll ask their unconscious mind to come up with something.
If the cause of your nausea is psychological, your treatment has to focus on that. When patients, for whatever reason, lack confidence or self-worth, hypnosis and therapy may be utilised to assist them develop these qualities. One technique to do this is to highlight the patient’s strengths by discussing the times when they overcame obstacles in the past. Another strategy might include teaching patients about the power of their subconscious, which can lead to increased self-respect as they learn to recognise and value the skills, knowledge, and insights they already possess.
Hypnotherapy may also be used to address underlying psychological issues that may be contributing to your persistent nausea, such as worry or perfectionism. Hypnosis treatment is generally successful in relieving or eliminating nausea if the underlying cause can be identified.


Nausea is a frequent sensation that causes stomach distress and is experienced by almost everyone. Nausea may be the body’s way of communicating something is too much to bear, such as an unwanted temptation. Hypnosis can help alleviate the severity of nausea, regardless of the underlying reason. Hypnosis-directed therapy for those with persistent nausea is warranted because of the strong correlation between the two criteria. Metaphors with a downhill movement may be useful when nausea is caused by a physical problem. Mental decreasing the nausea’s intensity, as if with a dial or lever, may also assist.

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