How to Become a Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan?

by Psychology Roots

How to Become a Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan?

Here in this post, we are discussing “How to Become a Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan?”.  You can read more about psychology-related material on our website. Keep visiting Psychology Roots.
Applied, clinical, forensic, health, and organisational psychology are only few of the numerous subfields of psychology. You don’t even have to go outside to see how psychology is influencing every aspect of our lives.
The specialty of clinical psychology is within the umbrella of psychology. This division focuses on diagnosing and treating mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar, addiction, developmental, sexual and stress-related illnesses are all covered by clinical psychology.

How to Become a Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan

How to Become a Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan

A clinical psychologist is a person who has earned a doctorate in clinical psychology. In order to identify and treat mental diseases, clinical psychologists use a diagnostic and statistical handbook.
Clinical psychologists have a unique set of talents that make them effective in their work.

Top Clinical Psychologist Skills

The enjoyable aspect of becoming a psychologist is counterbalanced by its challenges. Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists are two distinct professions. A clinical psychologist must possess a set of abilities in order to be competent and effective in his or her profession.
You should be able to do at least nine specific tasks, such as:

The Best Way to Communicate

The ability to effectively communicate is a critical component of the work of a clinical psychologist. Having fluency in the local dialects is essential for effective communication. You and your patient will both benefit from this. Because of your communication style, you have a good relationship with the people that come in with a range of issues.

Patience is essential.

There are so many behavioural issues that are unique to patients. When they start talking about weird topics, they tend to make you feel uneasy. Even in their insanity, individuals might exhibit undesirable conduct and say untrue things about you. A lot of patience is required right now, and not everyone has it.

Abide by the rules of conduct

Working with humans requires a high level of ethical conduct in any position. Everyone has the same rights and should be informed of those rights. You should also be honest with them. In order to build a strong relationship with customers, it is crucial to let them know that they have a say in critical choices. Having a bias towards your patients is not an option. Ethics ensure that no one receives an unfair advantage.

Exceptional at Identifying and Solving Problems

As a clinical psychologist, it is important to use problem-solving methods. Patients are helped to understand why their lives are so unpleasant by their therapist. When it comes to resolving their issues, clinical psychologists are there to aid them. They’ve been known to step in and provide a solution for their clientele on occasion.

A Willingness to Learn

Psychologists in clinical practise usually have a growth mindset. To be a competent psychologist, you need to keep up with the latest developments in the field. You need to keep up with the newest research and publications in this area.
To keep up with the latest developments in the field, clinical psychologists stay connected with their peers by attending seminars and conferences.

A Good Sense of Hearing.

Listening is an essential part of excellent therapeutic practise. One research found that therapists who actively listened to their patients were more successful. The words of your customer are the only thing that matters to you. When you actively listen and react to the client’s needs, they will feel heard and understood. Postpartum depression is a common condition for women, but they often have no one who knows what they’re going through. A diagnosis and treatment plan may be made more accurate when you listen to the patient with empathy.

Competent Assessment skills

When it comes to clinical psychology inventory, there is a lot of training involved. You may use the thematic apperception test, for example, to analyse a patient’s personality. Thematic Apperception is a complicated exam that requires substantial training to apply. You must be proficient in your assessment skills in order to comprehend your client and produce an effective diagnosis.

How Do You Become a Clinical Psychologist? ‘

In Pakistan, being a clinical psychologist requires completing the required coursework.

Pakistan is your home country, and you wish to work in hospitals, clinics, and other types of health care facilities as a clinical psychologist. There is no substitute for a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in clinical psychology. To practise clinical psychology in a clinical setting, this is a minimal requirement.
Working as an independent clinical psychologist requires a high degree of education. Unless you have a Ph.D., you cannot practise on your own in the West until you do so.
Fortunately, this is not a requirement in Pakistan, therefore you may practise with your MS degree without issue. The only certainty is that policy will change at some point in the future, so be ready.
To practise as a clinical psychologist, one must meet the following requirements.

Requirements For Admission To The Program

In order to work as a clinical psychologist in Pakistan, you must have earned an MS/MPhil/equivalent degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00 from the Higher Education Commission Pakistan. D grade is not an option in the third level. Let’s talk about the many levels, such as
The B.S. in Psychology programme
If you want to be considered for a place in the B.S. programme, you must have completed your intermediate education with a grade point average of at least 50% in either English or Science.
The NTS exam must be passed by all students.
M.S. Program of Psychology
You must have a bachelor’s degree with at least a 2.5 C.G.P.A. in order to apply to the M.S. programme.
Students must get at least a 60 percent on the GMAT and an interview.
P.h.D Program of Psychology
To be eligible for admission to the Ph.D. programme, you must have completed an MS degree with a minimum grade point average of 3.00.
Students must get at least 70 percent on the university’s exam and interview.

How Much Clinical Psychologists Earn in Pakistan

Clinical psychologists in Pakistan earn an average pay of Rs 1,872,005 per year or Rs 900 per hour. A bonus of Rs 57,283 is also received on a yearly basis. Employers and anonymous workers in Pakistan were asked to participate in a pay study, which yielded the results.

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