Physical Exercise Reduces Depression in Elderly Adults

by Psychology Roots

Physical Exercise Reduces Depression in Elderly Adults

Here in this post, we are discussing “Physical Exercise Reduces Depression in Elderly Adults”.  You can read more about psychology-related material on our website. Keep visiting Psychology Roots.
According to recent study published in the journal Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, physical activity seems to have a large and favourable influence on depression in the elderly.
The prevalence of depressive illness among the elderly is on the rise. Anxiety is a common symptom of depression and may lead to thoughts of suicide. Older people’s physiological and psychological traits make conventional treatments like psychotherapy less successful in treating depression, according to new research. Linyan Dang, a researcher at Henan Finance University in China, was particularly interested in the impact of exercise on depression among seniors.

Physical Exercise Reduces Depression in Elderly Adults

Physical Exercise Reduces Depression in Elderly Adults

Survey items from the Physical Exercise Scale for the Elderly (PES) and Brink’s Concise Depression Scale for the Elderly were administered to 145 men and 125 females over the age of 60. The majority of participants in this research had a favourable outlook on physical activity. About a quarter of the individuals were diagnosed with depression, and about 6% of those people were classed as having severe depression.
Those who had a lower level of marital status and health status were more likely to be depressed, according to the research. Study participants with lower levels of depression had better post-exercise experiences, exercised more often, and had more favourable attitudes about exercising.
The elderly who exercised 3-4 times per week were more depressed than the elderly who exercised 5-7 times per week, for example. People who exercised with a partner had lower depression ratings than those who exercised on their alone. Additionally, this research found that women were somewhat more sad than males.
When it comes to depression among the elderly, physical activity seems to be more effective than other treatments, according to Dang. As for the elderly, she believes that they should have a good outlook on fitness and include it into their daily routine. There is still a lot more study to be done to see whether physical activity might assist older people avoid depression.

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