Somatic Experiencing – Definition, Process, and Advantages

by Psychology Roots

Somatic Experiencing – Definition, Process, and Advantages

Here in this post, we are discussing and learning about “Somatic Experiencing – Definition, Process, and Advantages ”.  You can read more about psychology-related material on our website. Keep visiting Psychology Roots.
Trauma Therapy is a mental health treatment that aims to alleviate the negative effects of trauma and stressful experiences on a person. There are a variety of ways to deal with the effects of trauma. Somatic treatment, often known as somatotherapy, is a sort of therapy. Low-dose electrical currents or other physical therapies that directly affect the body are used in this method.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing

This sort of somatic trauma treatment is known as somatic experience or somatic experiencing therapy. Focusing on the physical sensations in the body, it is a kind of therapy.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic experience is a sort of treatment that employs physical sensations in the body to address trauma, symptoms associated with trauma, and the impact of experiencing very traumatic situations. Post-traumatic stress disorder is often treated with it (PTSD). Other physical and mental health issues may also benefit from its usage.
The somatic experience differs from other kinds of mental health treatment in that it focuses on the physical sensations in the body. The following are some examples of somatic or bodily awareness of one’s own body:

  • observing the sensations evoked by the heart’s rhythm
  • Observing how stiff or relaxed your muscles are while you breathe
  • Experimenting with various sections of the body by putting one’s hands on them

Process of Somatic Experiencing

A person’s body and psyche react to stressful or painful events. It’s known as the flight, fight, or freeze reaction, in which the primal, reactive portion of the brain causes a person to flee, fight back, or freeze as a kind of self-defense.
According to the concept of somatic experience, traumatic memories may get entrapped in the physical body and cause symptoms long after the threat has gone. Traumatic memories may be processed and discharged by being more conscious of the feelings in the body, therefore alleviating symptoms.

  • Become aware of body sensations: Focus on different parts of the body and how they feel (e.g., are there any tense muscles?).
  • Make connections between the sensations and stress: Consider what feelings or sensations are felt when stressed (e.g., unsettled stomach or lump in the throat).
  • Focus on a positive sensation, thought, or memory: Recall or bring attention to something enjoyable (e.g., warm sun shining down or memories of a favorite vacation).
  • Feel a release or decrease of symptoms: This is personal to everyone and may come naturally or with practice (e.g., a feeling of calm, relief, or as if a weight has been lifted).

What It Is Able To Do.

Symptoms of trauma or the aftereffects of severely stressful situations are often treated using somatic experiencing therapy. For the most part, it is used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People who have not been diagnosed with PTSD may also take it to treat symptoms like stress and rage.
For PTSD and other issues, somatic experience therapy may be helpful.

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Disability-related physical pain
  • Extreme fear of movement that may cause pain (kinesiophobia)
  • Grief
  • Insecurity
  • Mood challenges
  • Physical pain
  • Self-doubt
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Unwanted thoughts

What Is Involved in It

Somatic experience therapy is based on the idea that the mind and body are intertwined. According to this theory, true healing can only occur if the mind and body are addressed as a unit. Somatic therapy is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of therapeutic approaches. When it comes to physical and mental recovery, yoga is sometimes referred to as somatic therapy since it focuses on the mind-body connection.
The somatic treatment uses a variety of modalities, such as the following:

  • Breathing exercises are often used as part of somatic therapy to help calm the body and mind and bring awareness to bodily sensations.
  • Mindfulness-based techniques strengthen awareness of the external world, thoughts, and the way the body feels. They can be used as part of the process of making connections between sensations and stress.
  • Meditation, like breathing exercises, is often used as a way to calm the body and mind and increase awareness.
  • Somatic psychotherapy combines talk therapy with a focus on the body. It involves communication with a provider and awareness of the body to promote healing.
  • Awareness of body and mind is a way of consciously noticing thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. This can be used as part of the somatic therapy process.
  • Body movement is sometimes used as a way to help increase awareness, identify areas of stress, and process that stress for healing.
  • Positive imagery can be used to calm the body and mind both to help bring awareness and release stress once it is identified.


The usefulness of somatic experience varies since it is employed with a wide range of groups and difficulties. Both physical and mental symptoms have been found to improve as a result of this therapy. 5
People who have attempted somatic experience, for example, have reported decreased symptoms of:

Additionally, the number of people who’ve attempted somatic experiences has grown:

  • Mobility: Being able to physically move parts of the body that were restricted
  • Mental resilience: Being able to adapt, cope with, and overcome stress and hardships
  • Quality of life: Being able to take part in activities and enjoy life more with fewer symptoms

However, studies on somatic experiences are mixed, and some individuals who try it report no advantages. An experienced therapist or psychologist can help you figure out whether this approach is the best fit for your unique set of circumstances.

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