HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised

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HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised

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About HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised

Scale Name

HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised

Author Details

Kibeom Lee, Ph.D., and Michael C. Ashton, Ph.D.

Translation Availability

Multiple Languages


To produce the HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised, the Researcher reworked the original HEXACO-PI (HEXACO-PI-R). The HEXACO-PI-R is an improvement over the previous HEXACO-PI in two ways. The HEXACO-PI Expressiveness facet of the Extraversion factor has been replaced by a new facet called Social Self-Esteem, which is a new facet for the factor. A second change is the removal of the Negative Self-Evaluation scale interstitials previously mentioned.

This facet was removed in part because of issues with its translation in previous HEXACO-PI versions. Initial inventory translation challenges came from translating items of this scope from English. Furthermore, in some translated versions of the HEXACO-PI, this facet scale did not show strong loadings on the Extraversion factor and did not have a strong correlation with markers of the lexical Extraversion factor.

These results led us to conclude that the Extraversion factor should be defined by a construct of social self-esteem rather than expressiveness. In the sense that it is defined by self-evaluation, our concept of social self-esteem overlaps with the traditional conceptualization of self-esteem. While social self-esteem emphasises one’s sense of being popular and liked by others, social self-esteem emphasises self-esteem in the context of interpersonal relationships.

We decided to remove the Negative Self-Evaluation facet when we adopted the new Social Self-Esteem facet. The distribution of the latter scale was highly skewed, and we concluded that the Social Self-Esteem facet, along with the other HEXACO-PI facets, would account for nearly all of the predictive validity of Negative Self-Evaluation (e.g., the Anxiety facet of the Emotionality factor).

A total of 24 facets are assessed by the HEXACO-PI-R, which includes the interstitial Altruism versus Antagonism variable as an additional facet. As a result, the full-length HEXACO-200 (HEXACO-200) contains 200 items, while the HEXACO-PI-R (HEXACO-200) contains 100 items (HEXACO-100).

To be clear, the items on the Altruism facet scale are not included in the calculations for the six HEXACO factor scales. Altruism, along with the other 24 facets, can be included in factor scores that are computed as principal components. Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness make up the bulk of this facet’s loadings.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Prepare Materials: Make approved copies of the inventory booklet and answer sheet.
  • Participant Instructions: Instruct participants on how to complete the questionnaire. This typically involves reading each statement and marking the answer choice that best describes them. Emphasize answering honestly and accurately.

Reliability and Validity

The HEXACO-PI-R is a well-established personality assessment tool known for its robust psychometric properties. These properties encompass the inventory’s reliability and validity, providing evidence for the accuracy and consistency of its measurements.


  • Internal Consistency: The HEXACO-PI-R demonstrates high internal consistency, indicated by coefficients like Cronbach’s alpha. This signifies that the items within each dimension consistently measure the same underlying personality construct.
  • Test-Retest Reliability: Research suggests good test-retest reliability for the HEXACO-PI-R. Scores tend to be stable over short periods, assuming no significant changes in the individual’s personality.


  • Content Validity: The HEXACO-PI-R’s items directly map onto the six personality dimensions it measures, supporting its content validity.
  • Construct Validity: Studies show that the HEXACO dimensions are distinct with weak correlations, upholding construct validity. Furthermore, these dimensions predict real-world outcomes like job performance and well-being, signifying they capture meaningful aspects of personality.
  • Predictive Validity: Research demonstrates the HEXACO-PI-R’s ability to predict relevant behaviors. For instance, honesty-humility is a strong predictor of lower levels of counterproductive work behavior.

Additional Considerations:

  • Self-Observer Agreement: Research suggests high self-observer agreement for the HEXACO-PI-R, indicating scores align with how others perceive the individual.
  • Limitations: As with any personality assessment, the HEXACO-PI-R is not without limitations. Social desirability bias and potential inaccuracies in self-reporting can influence scores.

Available Versions



Lee, K., & Ashton, M. C. (2018). Psychometric properties of the HEXACO-100. Assessment25(5), 543-556.

Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2009). The HEXACO–60: A short measure of the major dimensions of personalityJournal of personality assessment91(4), 340-345.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?
A personality inventory measuring 6 key dimensions: Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience.

How long is it?
Two formats: 100-item and 60-item versions.

How is it administered?
Paper-and-pencil or online platform (requires authorization from HEXACO).

Is it reliable?
Yes, shows high internal consistency and good test-retest reliability.

Is it valid?
Yes, demonstrates strong content, construct, and predictive validity.

Who can administer it?
No specific qualification mentioned, but a background in personality assessment is recommended.


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