Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire

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Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire

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About Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire

Scale Name

Body Image – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire

Author Details

Emily K. Sandoz and Kelly G. Wilson

Translation Availability

Not Sure


The Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (BI-AAQ) emerged from the need for a specific tool to assess body image flexibility. This concept, crucial in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), focuses on accepting your body and its appearance without letting it control your life.

While an unpublished manuscript by Sandoz and Wilson in 2006 might have served as the initial groundwork, the widely used and validated version of the BI-AAQ is credited to a research team led by Sandoz, typically referred to as “Sandoz et al. (2013)”. This reflects the collaborative effort behind the tool’s refinement and validation.

The BI-AAQ is primarily used in research and clinical settings, often to evaluate the effectiveness of ACT-based interventions for eating disorders and other conditions related to body image. It is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure various aspects of body image flexibility, helping assess an individual’s ability to accept their body and its experiences without judgment or attempts to control them.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • The BI-AAQ is a self-report questionnaire, meaning individuals complete it independently, usually by reading statements and indicating their level of agreement on a Likert scale.
  • It involves no invasive procedures or equipment.
  • The appropriate version of the BI-AAQ (original or shortened forms) and any specific instructions should be provided by a qualified professional based on the individual’s needs and the purpose of the assessment.

Reliability and Validity

Research supports the good reliability and validity of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (BI-AAQ). Here’s a breakdown of these aspects:


  • Internal consistency: The BI-AAQ has been shown to have high internal consistency, meaning its items consistently measure the same underlying concept of body image flexibility. This is typically assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, with studies reporting values above 0.80, indicating strong internal consistency.
  • Test-retest reliability: The BI-AAQ also demonstrates good test-retest reliability, meaning individuals tend to score similarly when taking the questionnaire multiple times over a stable period, reflecting the stability of the measure.


  • Content validity: The content of the BI-AAQ items directly aligns with the concept of body image flexibility, ensuring it measures what it intends to.
  • Convergent validity: Scores from the BI-AAQ correlate positively with other measures related to body image acceptance and psychological flexibility, supporting its ability to capture these concepts.
  • Discriminant validity: Scores from the BI-AAQ do not strongly correlate with measures of unrelated constructs, suggesting it specifically captures body image flexibility rather than other factors.

Available Versions



Sandoz, E. K., & Wilson, K. G. (2006). Assessing body image acceptanceUnpublished Manuscript. University of Mississippi. Seldom True Sometimes True.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the BI-AAQ?
The BI-AAQ is a questionnaire used to assess body image flexibility, which is the ability to accept your body without letting it control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Who uses the BI-AAQ?
Primarily researchers and mental health professionals use it to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments and assess body image concerns.

How is the BI-AAQ administered?
It is a self-report questionnaire completed by individuals. Due to its sensitive nature, a qualified professional typically administers it.

Is the BI-AAQ reliable and valid?
Yes, research supports the good reliability and validity of the BI-AAQ for measuring body image flexibility.


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