The Way of Life Scale

by Psychology Roots

The Way of Life Scale

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About Scale Name

Scale Name

The Way of Life Scale

Author Details

Wright, Logan Von Bussmann, Kurt Friedman, Alice Khoury, Mary Owens, Fredette Paris, Wayne

Translation Availability

Not Sure

The Way of Life Scale
The Way of Life Scale


The Way of Life Scale is a 43-item self-report questionnaire that measures an individual’s level of perceived control over various aspects of their life, including work, relationships, health, and leisure time. The scale was developed by Kragh von Bussmann and colleagues in the late 1970s and has been used in numerous studies to examine the relationship between perceived control and various health outcomes.

The concept of perceived control is based on the idea that individuals who feel they have a high level of control over their lives experience better physical and mental health outcomes than those who feel they have less control. The Way of Life Scale was developed to measure this construct and provide researchers with a standardized measure for use in their studies.

Participants rate their perceived level of control over each aspect of their life on a 5-point scale, ranging from “no control” to “a great deal of control”. The scale has been found to be a reliable and valid measure of perceived control, and has been used to examine the relationship between perceived control and a wide range of health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mental health.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

The Way of Life Scale is a self-administered questionnaire that typically takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Participants are instructed to read each of the 43 items and rate their perceived level of control over various aspects of their life using a 5-point scale, ranging from “no control” to “a great deal of control”.

Once participants have completed the questionnaire, their responses are scored by adding up their ratings across all 43 items. The total score can range from 43 to 215, with higher scores indicating a greater perceived level of control over one’s life.

Reliability and Validity

The scale has been found to have good reliability and validity, indicating that it is a consistent and accurate measure of perceived control. It has been used in various populations, including both clinical and non-clinical samples, and has been translated into multiple languages for use in international research.

Available Versions



Wright, L., Von Bussmann, K., Friedman, A., Khoury, M., Owens, F., & Paris, W. (1990). Exaggerated social control and its relationship to the Type A behavior pattern. Journal of Research in Personality, 24(2), 258–269.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Way of Life Scale?
The Way of Life Scale is a self-administered questionnaire that measures an individual’s perceived level of control over various aspects of their life.

How many items are on the Way of Life Scale?
The scale consists of 43 items that ask participants to rate their perceived level of control over various aspects of their life.

How is the Way of Life Scale scored?
Responses to the 43 items are scored by adding up the ratings, which range from “no control” to “a great deal of control”. The total score can range from 43 to 215, with higher scores indicating a greater perceived level of control.

Is the Way of Life Scale reliable and valid?
Yes, the Way of Life Scale has been found to be a reliable and valid measure of perceived control over various aspects of life.

What populations has the Way of Life Scale been used with?
The scale has been used with both clinical and non-clinical populations, and has been translated into multiple languages for use in international research.

How has the Way of Life Scale been used in research?
Researchers have used the scale to examine the relationship between perceived control and various health outcomes, including mental health, physical health, and overall well-being. It has also been used to identify individuals who may be at risk for negative health outcomes due to low levels of perceived control, and to develop interventions aimed at improving perceived control and overall health and well-being.


Please note that Psychology Roots does not have the right to grant permission for the use of any psychological scales or assessments listed on its website. To use any scale or assessment, you must obtain permission directly from the author or translator of the tool. Psychology Roots provides information about various tools and their administration procedures, but it is your responsibility to obtain proper permissions before using any scale or assessment. If you need further information about an author’s contact details, please submit a query to the Psychology Roots team.

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