Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS)

by Psychology Roots

Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS)

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About Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS)

Author of Tool:

Wintre, M. G., & Vallance, D. D. A.

Primary use / Purpose:

The Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS) was developed to measure the intensity and valency of five different emotions over 15 different scenarios in children of a young age. The scale itself is a 5-point inventory in the form of a concrete, visual apparatus; this is in order to limit the cognitive and verbal load on the children.


Piagetian and neo-Piagetian developmental psychologists believe that childhood is marked by a series of punctuated cognitive developments. This view requires that children of an increasingly older age should be ever more capable of managing cognitively demanding tasks. Furthermore, this view requires that some degree of consistency exists in terms of the age at which specific cognitive abilities are developed.

Emotional Cognitive Scale
Emotional Cognitive Scale

The Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS) was developed to measure children’s grasp of their own emotions by asking them how they think they would feel in a number of given situations. Importantly, the scale allows for five different simultaneous emotional responses, each of which can vary in emotion and valance. In accord with Piagetian principles, the (ECS) has been shown to facilitate responses of increasing nuance as children develop and attain a greater understanding of their emotions.


The psychometric properties of the Emotional Cognitive Scale (ECS) are discussed in Wintre & Vallance (1993).

Key references:

  • Wintre, M. G., & Vallance, D. D. A. (1993). A Developmental Sequence in the Comprehension of Emotions: Multiple Emotions, Intensity, and Valence. Developmental Psychology, 30(4), 509-5. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.30.4.509
  • Wang, Qi. (2003). Emotion situation knowledge in American and Chinese preschool children and adults, Cognition & Emotion, 17(5), 725-746.

Important Link

Scale File:

Digital Object Identifier (DOI):



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Last update: 30-01-2023

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