Research Method Assignment 01

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Research Method Assignment 01

Research method in Psychology is important and here I share Questions with answers. Hope You all enjoy and Share your assignment also.



Q 1  Describe two important characteristics of the scientific method.

Ans.  Empirical and a skeptical attitude

Q 2  Why did early psychologists choose the empirical approach as the favored method for psychological investigations?

Ans.  The psychologist’s emphasis on empirical approach because it deals with direct observations rather than indirect observations

Q 3 Identify two ways in which the computer was critical to the development of psychology in the 20th century?

Ans.  No one This was a useful metaphor to understand the Cognitive process and no two; this changed the trends or fashions of psychology and also changed the paper and pencil measures of feelings thoughts and behavior.

Q.4. Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors may influence a psychologist’s choice of research topics and (2) how social-cultural factors may influence society’s acceptance of research findings.

Ans                  (i) It will be according to the spirit of the time or instance resources are present and social acceptance.

(ii) It has a reciprocal relationship with society. Society accepts these findings because the problems exist in society.

Social and cultural values can affect how people react to reported findings from psychological research. For example, reports of research on controversial topics such as sexual orientation recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse, and televised violence receive more media attention because of the public’s interest in these issues.

Q.5.  Describe how ethnocentrism can be a problem in research and suggest one way in which researchers can prevent this bias.

Ans.  There are other viewing cultural values with respect to our culture is called ethnocentrism.  One way to incredulous this phenomenon is by promoting cross-cultural research.

Q.6.  What does it mean that research is conducted in a “moral context”?

Answer: The researcher must obey the rules of the APA code of ethics when he doing research.

Q.7  Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting research.

Answer:           (i) In specific conditions and specific time the researchers is allowed to use deception.

(ii) The researcher always uses informed consent.

Q.8.  Explain why researchers as skeptical about research findings, and explain how their attitude likely differs from that of the general public.

Answer:   Because it leads them to be more cautious and their attitude is more probabilistic as compared with the general public.

Q.9.  Identify the type of evidence that researchers look for when they seek to make a strong claim about behavior or psychological processes.

Answer:  The researchers used scientific methods to constrain their subjective judgment and to draw appropriate conclusions based on the evidence.

Q.10.   Identify two reasons you would give another person as to why he or she should critically evaluate the results of the research reported in the news media (e.g. television, magazines).

Answer:           Because it has no skeptical basis. It omits critical aspects. We must question what we read and hear.

Q.11. What are the three initial steps researchers take as they begin a research project?

Answer:           What should I study?

How to develop a hypothesis?

The importance of the research is good or bad.

Q.12.   Identify two reasons it is important to search the psychological literature when beginning research.

Answer:           It fills the existing gap. It clears the perspective and provides bright pictures of fads and fashions.

Q.13.               Describe the multi-method approach to research and identify its main advantage.

Answer:  It refers to applying many methods and procedures to answer the question (eclectic method).  It provides more information about the phenomenon under study.


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