Self | Do you know about you?

by Psychology Roots

Self | Do you know about you?


Self defines as the essential qualities that make the person distinct from all others the self is the responsible agent for the thought and action of an individual.

Characteristic of self

    • Culturally construct
    • Multiple
    • Dynamic changeable
    • Situational
    • Hierarchical
Self | Do you know about you?

Self | Do you know about you?

Self-knowledge comes from.

·   Socialization

Much of the knowledge about our self comes from socialization.

During childhood, we are treated particular ways by parents, teachers and friends. We learn religion, ethics and cultural activities. These things become the most significant aspects of ourselves, Socialization forms the care of our early experience and regularity of experience may eventually come to be internalized as important aspects of the self-concept

·    Reflected appraisals

On perceptions and evaluations of others. We learn about ourselves through the reactions of others. The reflected appraisal also defines how other people react to us.

·   Feedback from others

Sometimes feedback from others is very important to us. People give us explicit feedback about our qualities. This process is being in socialization when our parents tell us not to shy that we are good at play cricket, that math is not our strong point. There is a strong relationship between what parents think of their children’s abilities and self-conceptions.

In adolescence, feedback from pears important. Objective feedback is regarded as less biased and fairer than personal opinion. But the opinions of others also count.

·   Aspect of self-knowledge

1 Self-schemas

Schema: A schema is an organized structured set of cognitions about some concept. Self-schemas described the dimensions along which you think about yourself. We might have considered ourselves more dependent and think a lot about ourselves. Self-schemas concerning about independence-dependence dimension.

Self-schemas are positive or negative. Each individual has different schemas about themselves. For example Independence, beauty, overweight

2 Self discrepancies

Self-discrepancies are an aspect of self that influence our thoughts and behaviour. Discrepancies how we actually are and how we ideally want to be. When we perceive discrepancies our of personal qualities and what we ideally at like to be, we experience disappointment dissatisfaction or sadness.

3 Self-awareness

Experiencing oneself as an object of one’s own attention, Self-awareness leads people to evaluate their behaviour against a standard and to set on the adjustment process in motion for meeting the standard.

Self-attention: Self-attention causes people to compare themselves to standard, Such as those for physical appearance, intellectual performance etc.

Self-consciousness: Self-consciousness is concerned with autonomy and issue of identity. The individual worries about what other people think about them and how the individual appear to others.

4 Self-enhancement

Self-enhancement is the need to hold a positive view of oneself. Self-enhancement need appears to be important most of the time individual becomes an especially important following the situation of threat failure or blows to self-esteem. Satisfy their enhancement need by holding self-perception. It can be falsely positive.

5 Self-presentation

Self-presentation refers to those efforts that help us to control our impression. The goal of self-presentation is to strobe the interaction so that we obtain the desired outcome. Self-presentation influence self-knowledge presentation is often a deliberate activity.

For example:

We are conscious in our job interview and present himself as a hard-working and talented person.

The important aspect of self-presentation

knowing one’s audience. Individual present himself according to the audience. For example Hairstyle, dressing .etc…


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