Personality Beliefs Questionnaire

by Psychology Roots

Personality Beliefs Questionnaire

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About Personality Beliefs Questionnaire

Scale Name

Personality Beliefs Questionnaire

Author Details

Aaron T. Beck

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Personality Beliefs Questionnaire
Personality Beliefs Questionnaire


The Personality Beliefs Questionnaire (PBQ) emerged from the landmark work of Aaron T. Beck and Judith S. Beck, pioneers in cognitive therapy. In their exploration of personality disorders, they recognized the crucial role of underlying belief patterns in shaping thought, emotion, and behavior. The PBQ was born from this understanding, aiming to assess these deeply ingrained beliefs and offer a window into the cognitive underpinnings of various personality styles.

Developed in the 1980s and refined over the years, the PBQ adopts a self-report format. Individuals rate their agreement with a series of statements designed to tap into core beliefs associated with specific personality disorders. Each statement reflects a central theme, from the fear of inadequacy in avoidant personality to the need for control in obsessive-compulsive personality. By analyzing an individual’s response pattern, clinicians can gain valuable insights into their internalized beliefs and how they influence their daily lives.

The Personality Beliefs Questionnaire is not intended for casual introspection or self-diagnosis. It’s a powerful clinical tool wielded by trained professionals. Its primary purpose is to inform therapeutic interventions tailored to the specific cognitive patterns identified. By challenging and restructuring these unhelpful beliefs, therapists can help individuals break free from self-limiting narratives and foster healthier ways of thinking and being.

In essence, the Personality Beliefs Questionnaire serves as a bridge between the internal world of beliefs and the external manifestations of personality. It empowers clinicians to navigate the complex landscape of the human mind and pave the way for lasting growth and transformation.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Setting: The PBQ is typically administered in a quiet, private setting where the individual feels comfortable and focused.
  • Instructions: The therapist provides clear instructions on how to complete the questionnaire, emphasizing honesty and answering openly.
  • Self-report format: The individual reads each statement and rates their agreement on a Likert scale, typically ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.”
  • Open-ended responses: Some versions of the PBQ include optional open-ended questions inviting the individual to elaborate on their answers.
  • Time allocation: The PBQ completion time can vary depending on the individual’s pace and the specific version used. Typically, it takes around 45-60 minutes.

Reliability and Validity

The Personality Beliefs Questionnaire (PBQ) has undergone extensive research and been demonstrated to have good reliability and validity, albeit with certain limitations. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Internal consistency: The Personality Beliefs Questionnaire scales show strong internal consistency, meaning items within each scale consistently measure the same underlying belief pattern. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients typically range from .77 to .94, indicating good to excellent internal consistency.
  • Test-retest reliability: When individuals retake the PBQ after a period of time, their scores tend to remain relatively stable, demonstrating test-retest reliability. Correlations between retested scores usually fall within the .57 to .93 range.



  • Self-report bias: As a self-report measure, the Personality Beliefs Questionnaire is susceptible to biases like social desirability and defensiveness, potentially affecting the accuracy of responses.
  • Limited scope: The PBQ focuses on specific belief patterns associated with personality disorders and may not capture the full range of personality traits and dynamics.
  • Cultural considerations: The PBQ has primarily been validated in Western contexts, and its applicability to individuals from different cultural backgrounds might require careful interpretation.

Available Versions



Beck, A. T., Butler, A. C., Brown, G. K., Dahlsgaard, K. K., Newman, C. F., & Beck, J. S. (2001). Dysfunctional beliefs discriminate personality disordersBehaviour research and therapy39(10), 1213-1225.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Personality Beliefs Questionnaire?
A: A self-report questionnaire assessing core beliefs linked to personality disorders.

Q: Who uses it?
A: Primarily trained therapists for clinical assessment and treatment planning.

Q: Is it a diagnostic tool?
A: No, it provides insights but cannot diagnose on its own.

Q: Is it reliable?
A: Yes, it shows good internal consistency and test-retest reliability.

Q: Is it valid?
A: Yes, it correlates with other personality measures and differentiates specific disorders.

Q: Are there limitations?
A: Yes, self-report bias, limited scope, and cultural considerations exist.

Q: Can I take it myself?
A: No, it’s recommended for supervised use by trained professionals.


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