Human is a social animal

by Psychology Roots

Human is a social animal

written by Rida Haider
Human is a social animal. The Greek philosopher Aristotle said Man is a social animal. Human behaviors proved that his statement was right.
In some places, people live individual they don’t want to be a part of any group. Individuals play a crucial role in this world man can’t ignore them. People in a group are present everywhere we are a part of it but realize this or not. It’s in man’s nature cannot live alone. Man cannot survive alone. Humans need people to fulfill their requirements. Needs of human connects them. For man, working in a group is necessary to achieve their goals. When a person worked in a group a person learns more things as compared to individually.

Human is a social animal

Human is a social animal

People explore the world through working or living with different groups and different people. Man, like Robinson Crusoe, a man cannot develop his personality skills behavior outside society. Man is a social animal that implies a man cannot live without society. Society is essential for a man. All sociological thinkers think there is a deep relation between individual and society.


As Mcvler says individual comes before society but it may be pointless because man cannot live without a society that why it’s good to say that society comes before society. He commends three cases in which he deals with infants who are away from all social relations he wants to experiment to check out is a man social animal by nature or not? His first case was with Kaspar Hauser. he was a seventeen-year-old kid and since his childhood, he was brought up to Nuremberg woods. In his case, MCVLER found that Kaspar Hauser cannot walk properly and cannot speak properly he only mutter some phrases at the age of seventeen. His second case was with two Hindu children who were discovered in a 1920 wolf den. one child has died just after the discovery. the other child walks on her feet and hands like a wolf. she was shy and afraid of humans. she could normally behave only in one condition if she trained well and taught her how to behave like a normal human being. his third case was with Anna. she was an American child who had been placed in a room when she was just a six-month-old baby and discovers at the age of five. Anna at the age of five she can’t walk and can’t speak a single word just due to the reason she was away from society for five years. These cases prove that a human is a social animal by nature. A human can only behave normally when he lives with society and interact with individuals and groups.

Man lives in a society:

Man lives in society because of his needs. if a man will not cooperate with society and their fellow being, he cannot be a successful person. Every individual is the offspring of a social relationship between man and woman. The child will grow up under the care of his parents and he learns social behaviors, citizenship, and different aspects of life from them. If the newborn baby does not receive good care and attention from his parents he cannot survive even for a single day. By this, we can get that point a man cannot live without a particular circle of people. In our childhood, if our parent doesn’t provide us a basic need of life we cannot grow properly. This social behavior also plays an important role in increasing of population.


Based on the above discussions, it may be concluded that individuals and society both are interdependent. It’s not the one-sided relation individuals and society both contribute equally to grooms a person’s personality. During the explanation of individuals and society, the marcher observes that all institutions traditions and equipment provide a great change in social life. society fulfills the psychological as well as physical needs of humans or individuals. we must reject the view that this point of view the relationship between society and individual is one-sided.


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