Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale

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Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale

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About Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale

Scale Name

Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale

Author Details

Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan

Translation Availability

German, Persian

Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale
Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale


Traditional approaches to motivating employees often relied on external rewards and punishments, which can fall short in fostering genuine engagement and well-being. Enter Self-Determination Theory (SDT), a groundbreaking framework developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, proposing that intrinsic factors, like the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, are vital for optimal motivation and well-being in various domains, including work.

Recognizing the crucial role of needs in the workplace, the BPNWS emerged as a tool to assess the extent to which employees experience the satisfaction of three key psychological needs within their work environment: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

  1. Autonomy: This need refers to the desire to feel independent and have control over one’s work. Workers who score high on autonomy might have a say in their projects, work schedules, and decision-making processes.
  2. Competence: This need centers around feeling capable and effective in performing one’s job. Employees who score high on competence often experience mastery over their tasks, receive positive feedback, and have opportunities to learn and grow.
  3. Relatedness: This need signifies the desire to feel connected and supported by colleagues and supervisors. Individuals who score high on relatedness feel valued, part of a team, and have strong interpersonal relationships at work.

Why is the BPNWS Important?

By measuring need satisfaction, the BPNWS offers valuable insights into:

  • Employee motivation and engagement: Satisfied employees are more likely to be intrinsically motivated, engaged in their work, and demonstrate greater initiative.
  • Employee well-being: High need satisfaction is associated with increased well-being, reduced stress, and improved mental and physical health.
  • Organizational effectiveness: Workplaces that actively cultivate need satisfaction tend to experience higher productivity, lower turnover, and more positive work environments.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Choose the appropriate version: Depending on your research or intervention goals, different versions of the BPNWS are available, with variations in the number of items (9, 13, or 21) and specific wording. Ensure you choose the version aligned with your needs.
  • Translate if necessary: The BPNWS has been translated into various languages. Use validated translated versions if your respondents don’t speak English fluently.
  • Prepare instructions: Craft clear and concise instructions for participants, explaining the purpose of the scale, how to answer questions, and how to ensure anonymity.
  • Delivery method: You can administer the BPNWS electronically (surveys, online platforms), on paper questionnaires, or even verbally in certain situations. Choose the method most convenient for your participants and research design.
  • Anonymity and confidentiality: Assure participants of anonymity and confidentiality to encourage honest responses. Explain how data will be handled and stored.
  • Question format: The BPNWS uses a Likert-type scale, often with 5 or 7 points ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” Ensure participants understand the response options and how to indicate their level of agreement.
  • Time allocation: Completing the BPNWS typically takes 5-10 minutes, depending on the version and administration method. Allocate sufficient time for participants to answer thoughtfully.

Reliability and Validity

The BPNWS has undergone extensive research, demonstrating robust reliability and validity across various contexts. Here’s a breakdown of its key psychometric properties:


  • Internal consistency: Various versions of the BPNWS consistently show high Cronbach’s alpha values, exceeding 0.80 for each need subscale, indicating strong internal consistency and reliable measurement of each psychological need.
  • Test-retest reliability: Studies have shown moderate to high test-retest reliability for the BPNWS, suggesting stability of scores over time, particularly when time intervals are shorter.


  • Content validity: The BPNWS items directly reflect the theoretical constructs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness within SDT, ensuring content validity and relevance to the intended domain.
  • Criterion validity: The BPNWS scores have been shown to correlate positively with other measures of work-related outcomes, such as job satisfaction, engagement, well-being, and performance, supporting its criterion validity.
  • Construct validity: Confirmatory factor analysis consistently supports the three-factor structure of the BPNWS, representing autonomy, competence, and relatedness as distinct yet correlated constructs.
  • Cross-cultural validity: The BPNWS has been translated and validated in numerous languages, demonstrating evidence of cross-cultural validity and applicability in diverse organizational contexts.

Available Versions



Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The” what” and” why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological inquiry, 227-268.

Important Link

Scale File:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the BPNWS measure?
A: Employee satisfaction with 3 basic needs at work: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Q: How many versions are there?
A: 3 main versions: 9, 13, and 21 items.

Q: How reliable is it?
A: Strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability.

Q: How valid is it?
A: Strong evidence for content, criterion, and construct validity.

Q: Is it used worldwide?
A: Yes, translated and validated in many languages.


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