Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version

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Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version

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About Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version

Scale Name

Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version

Author Details

Betty R. Ferrell, Katherine Hassey-Dow

Translation Availability

Not Sure

Quality of Life Instrument - Breast Cancer Patient Version
Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version


In the complex tapestry of living with breast cancer, one thread often becomes tangled – the thread of quality of life (QoL). How do we measure the invisible impacts of the disease and its treatment, beyond medical metrics? This is where the Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version (QOLI-BC) enters the scene.

Born from the vision of Dr. Betty R. Ferrell, a renowned oncologist and nurse scientist, the QOLI-BC emerged from a deep understanding of patients’ needs. Recognizing that physical health alone cannot encapsulate the lived experience of breast cancer, Dr. Ferrell and her team set out to create a tool that would listen beyond clinical outcomes.

Their quest led them to develop a 46-item questionnaire, meticulously crafted to capture the nuanced facets of QoL for breast cancer patients. This instrument delves into the four pillars of well-being:

  • Physical: Exploring questions about energy levels, fatigue, pain, and body image, providing a window into the physical burden of the disease.
  • Psychological: Unveiling anxieties, depression, fear, and self-esteem, offering a glimpse into the mental and emotional landscape.
  • Social: Examining relationships with family, friends, and social roles, understanding the impact on social dynamics.
  • Spiritual: Navigating questions about meaning, purpose, and faith, illuminating the existential side of living with breast cancer.

The QOLI-BC isn’t merely a test; it’s a conversation starter. It empowers patients to voice their unique experiences, allowing healthcare professionals to tailor care beyond prescriptions and procedures.

But the story of the QOLI-BC doesn’t end with creation. The instrument underwent rigorous testing and validation, ensuring its accuracy and reliability. Extensive research confirmed its ability to capture QoL changes over time, allowing for monitoring and adjusting treatment plans.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Choose the method: The QOLI-BC can be administered in several ways, including:
  • Self-administration: Patients can complete the questionnaire independently, either as a paper form or via online platforms.
  • Interviewer-administered: A trained healthcare professional can guide patients through the questions, ensuring clarity and completeness.
  • Mixed approach: This combines self-administration with clinician support for specific questions or clarifications.
  • Gather necessary materials: Prepare enough copies of the questionnaire (paper or electronic) and scoring instructions. Ensure privacy and a comfortable environment for patients.
  • Provide instructions: Briefly explain the purpose of the QOLI-BC and how the information will be used. Emphasize confidentiality and encourage honest responses.
  • Read each question slowly and clearly. For self-administration, ensure the font size and language are appropriate.
  • Patients choose their response on a 5-point scale:
  • Clarify any doubts or questions: Ensure patients understand the meaning of each item before proceeding.
  • Emphasize completion of all questions: Missing data can affect the accuracy of the score.
  • Scoring instructions are provided with the QOLI-BC, offering specific calculations for each domain (physical, psychological, social, and spiritual) and an overall score.
  • Interpret the scores within the context of the patient’s clinical information and treatment stage. Compare with established norms or baseline scores for meaningful insights.
  • Use the QOLI-BC results to guide treatment decisions, address specific concerns, and monitor QoL changes over time.

    Reliability and Validity

    The Quality of Life Instrument – Breast Cancer Patient Version (QOLI-BC) has undergone rigorous testing and validation, establishing its reliability and validity as a measure of quality of life in breast cancer patients. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects:


    • Internal consistency: The QOLI-BC demonstrates strong internal consistency, meaning items within each domain and the overall instrument measure the same concept consistently. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the total score and individual domains range from 0.71 to 0.93, exceeding acceptable thresholds for research and clinical use.
    • Test-retest reliability: Studies have shown high test-retest reliability, indicating that scores remain stable over time when patients complete the QOLI-BC twice within a short interval. This confirms the instrument’s ability to capture consistent self-reported experiences.


    • Content validity: The QOLI-BC was developed through extensive literature review, patient interviews, and expert consultations, ensuring it covers relevant aspects of QoL for breast cancer patients.
    • Criterion validity: The QOLI-BC has shown moderate to strong correlations with other established QoL measures for cancer patients, indicating it captures similar concepts and provides meaningful data.
    • Responsiveness: The QOLI-BC has demonstrated sensitivity to changes in QoL over time, particularly following treatment interventions. This allows for monitoring the impact of treatments and tailoring care accordingly.

    Available Versions



    Ferrell, B. R., Dow, K. H., & Grant, M. (2012). Quality of Life Instrument-Breast Cancer Patient Version (QOL-BC). Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Sciences.

    Important Link

    Scale File:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What is the QOLI-BC?
    A: The QOLI-BC is a questionnaire that helps understand the quality of life for breast cancer patients, beyond just medical factors.

    Q: What does it cover?
    A: It looks at physical, psychological, social, and spiritual well-being.

    Q: How long does it take to complete?
    A: About 15-20 minutes.

    Q: How do I score it?
    A: Scoring instructions are provided with the questionnaire.

    Q: Who can use it?
    A: Both patients and healthcare professionals can use it.


    Please note that Psychology Roots does not have the right to grant permission for the use of any psychological scales or assessments listed on its website. To use any scale or assessment, you must obtain permission directly from the author or translator of the tool. Psychology Roots provides information about various tools and their administration procedures, but it is your responsibility to obtain proper permissions before using any scale or assessment. If you need further information about an author’s contact details, please submit a query to the Psychology Roots team.

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