Leadership Styles Questionnaire

by Psychology Roots

Leadership Styles Questionnaire

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About Leadership Styles Questionnaire

Scale Name

Leadership Styles Questionnaire

Author Details

Crowe Associates

Translation Availability

Not Sure


The Crowe Associates Leadership Styles Questionnaire is a tool designed to reveal your dominant leadership style through a 24-statement assessment. It utilizes the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid framework, which analyzes leadership based on two key dimensions: concern for people and concern for task.

Think of this framework as a grid with five vertical levels for concern for people and five horizontal levels for concern for task. Each statement in the questionnaire nudges you towards one of these squares on the grid, ultimately pinpointing your leadership tendencies.

Here’s what makes the Crowe Associates questionnaire unique:

  • Simple and accessible: With just 24 statements and a straightforward marking scale, it’s a quick and easy way to gain insight into your leadership style.
  • Grounded in a reputable model: The Blake and Mouton model is a well-established framework, offering a recognized language for discussing leadership styles.
  • Focuses on both people and task: Unlike some tools that prioritize one aspect over the other, the Crowe Associates questionnaire acknowledges the importance of balancing concern for both people and task in effective leadership.

Administration, Scoring and Interpretation

  • Gather materials: You’ll need the questionnaire itself, which can be found online or in various leadership development resources. Make sure you have copies for each participant.
  • Explain the purpose: Briefly introduce the questionnaire, emphasizing its purpose as a tool for self-discovery and not performance evaluation.
  • Set expectations: Explain the format (24 statements with a marking scale) and estimated time needed (around 10-15 minutes).
  • Ensure anonymity: Guarantee confidentiality to encourage honest responses.
  • Distribute the materials: Provide each participant with a copy of the questionnaire and answer sheet.
  • Read the instructions: Clearly explain the marking scale (typically ranging from 1 to 5) and how to respond to each statement.
  • Answer honestly: Encourage participants to choose the response that best reflects their natural tendencies, not how they think they “should” respond.
  • Address questions: Briefly answer any immediate questions without revealing answer interpretations.

Reliability and Validity

Not Available

Available Versions



Leadership styles questionnaire – crowe associates. (n.d.). http://www.crowe-associates.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Leadership-Styles-Questionnaire-4-styles-2013.pdf

Important Link

Scale File:


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